Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] that we " in BNC.

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1 All right now that we can do numbers up to thirty one , let's see if we can do a few more dates .
2 Whether offensive or defensive strategies are being reassessed , the Gulf War has brought home the fact that automation has become the cornerstone of virtually all new military systems — so much so that we are moving steadily towards a fully automated battlefield .
3 This motif was used on the air every day and we rang all possible changes on the ‘ we 're being done in by the big bogey-man ’ theme , so much so that we had some of our faithful old lady listeners actually in tears .
4 Coordination and balance will be severely affected so much so that we hold ourselves rigid in order to avoid falling over .
5 We learn such skills from our mothers , midwives , books and from our own inner promptings , and as we use them they become absorbed into everyday life , often so much so that we no longer realize just how much we have learnt and are capable of ; in fact , we only take notice of the areas in which we feel that we fail .
6 Now practically all the flux lines are funnelled into the magnetic material so much so that we are entitled to regard both H and B as being zero outside the magnetic material .
7 Our yachts are well maintained , so much so that we offer generous guarantees of compensation if rare failure immobilises you for a day .
8 But not so much so that we 'd junk a permanent commitment to a man in order to keep on our job .
9 This means that they must on no account fail us , just as , to take a different level , the woman whose beauty we find captivating must be seen to maintain her attractions : so much so that we ‘ will ’ her to display a beauty that she does not always possess , or perhaps has never possessed .
10 Our initial impressions of Utopia are very positive , so much so that we 're going to install the application to log all the Windows related problems , hints , tips and fixes encountered via this column .
11 So much so that we took out insurance er if it went over twenty percent we were covered .
12 ‘ It 's just like a piano and so much so that we have n't even got one at home and I did n't practice on one before the competition I can just switch to playing it instead of a piano , ’ said Lisa .
13 cos is southern Italy and it was nice and sunny during the daytime , so much so that we were walking about in just T-shirts er and all the Italians that came to us said , ye well language , what on earth are you doing without your er sweater
14 School was so long ago that we had passed into each others ' mythology , like people who met distantly in another country .
15 ‘ However , we would like to have ours up and running much sooner so that we can iron out the teething problems before it becomes law . ’
16 It 's only just recently that we sort of starting our de we 've had bits of aggro .
17 Yes I 'm I 'm not quite sure the regulations are about subsids We , I mean we , it 's only quite recently that we have had a subsidiary , erm , last two or three years , we 've , for many years we did n't have one .
18 GUN LAW : ‘ There are more guns down there now that we ever thought possible . ’
19 And I knew all too well that we possess our lover only in our minds , that passionate love is incom-patible with life .
20 ‘ If we take off the reedbed 's top 30cm of vegetation — just enough so that we do not kill off the reeds — and put in some new dykes to give a good water flow we will restore the reedbed to its former glory . ’
21 Another project seeks to understand precisely the vagueness of natural language , not only so that we can communicate better with computers , but also because vagueness is a valuable commodity for computation in general .
22 Perhaps it is just as well that we are travelling by imagination and not with our physical senses , because many of the towns and cities still carry open sewers in the streets .
23 The realistic Dods admitted afterwards : ‘ While it was a relief to get back scoring again , the fact remains that with other threatened clubs earning points elsewhere in the country , it was just as well that we took something from this one . ’
24 The boot is still the dominant feature of the game , more so now that we have this tactic of kicking deep for position .
25 And more especially now that we 've started raiding back against the MacIans and their friends .
26 They set it up deliberately so that we force ourselves to do more than any three men could do , and naturally quite a lot of the time we ca n't manage it . ’
27 I WOULD rather take my children into the main bar or lounge of a pub and expect them to sit sensibly and reasonably quietly so that we can all relax , drink , talk and eat in a proper pub atmosphere .
28 Said Mademoiselle , and you make this fuss and call out so loudly that we all jump in fear .
29 When later we want to use those formulae it turns out not infrequently that we have some divergent results .
30 " Find them , " he told Desimir , " buy them for slaves , trick them or kidnap them , but bring them back somehow so that we can bury them under the great gate and build our city of Skadar . "
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