Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adj] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is rather less common for females to mate with more than one male ( polyandry , meaning many males ) .
2 Meanwhile , however , familiarity can breed contempt and even the most apparently mundane of activities can have far-reaching consequences if something goes wrong .
3 So um I suppose in that way some of these forms of abuse , particularly when they they use the they use the gestures , they use the language of affection um they 're perhaps rather different from forms of abuse which are er er most obviously violent .
4 It is not obvious why this is , but it is so strikingly convergent among animals that have nothing else in common but their anteating habit , that it almost certainly is somehow related to this habit .
5 He shows how the treatment of sex is linked to wider political and economic considerations and therefore how changes in the political economic system will change even that apparently most private of institutions , marriage .
6 The system is apparently most sensitive to movements in the " yawing " ( horizontal ) plane , and deviations from the flight-path in this plane can readily be corrected by the fly .
7 The possibility of religious motivation behind scientific inquiry is perhaps most visible in systems of natural theology in which scientific knowledge was used to establish the existence and attributes of God .
8 Perhaps most eloquent of ali is the simple fact that the grounds themselves were not segregated .
9 It took a long time for the penny to drop with me about why I was so apparently popular in men 's organizations in the aftermath of so many women deciding to work separately .
10 The British middle class is diverse in social origin , and so perhaps diverse in values .
11 Such anaerobic respiration is much quicker than aerobic respiration , but also much less efficient in terms of energy produced per unit of fuel .
12 He acknowledges , though , that the performance of the welfare state was much less impressive in terms of combating inequalities of income and wealth .
13 The action for malicious falsehood is much less favourable to plaintiffs than defamation .
14 In cultures where the two-parent family is not the major centre for the rearing of children that it is in Western , middle-class cultures , the Oedipus complex does not develop , for the intensity of the relationships is much less strong between parents and children than in Western society .
15 At the time , as the stations were being built , it was much less easy for outsiders to see what was going on , or to make informed assessments of the rosy promises being made about the future .
16 Infection is much less prevalent in horses .
17 Czechoslovakia , a democratic state with a mass socialist and trade-union movement , had been handed to the Nazis by the National government , which now expected the labour movement to support a war for Poland , a society much less attractive to democrats let alone socialists .
18 Much less white in wings than other bustards of region .
19 Immature distinguishable from other immature skuas by small size , smaller bill and much less white in wings .
20 However , market research showed that the range of products available from a supplier was much less important to customers than performance , reliability and customer support .
21 Although I had respect for Harry Thubron and Frank Lisle , the message of Basic Design was in , many ways much less important to schools of general education than the work which had been developed to such a pitch of excellence by Basil .
22 Both are particularly important to the young and much less important to men over 35 .
23 Discrimination and neglect has meant that the design of goods for older people remains a much neglected field , and questions about ease of access , the positioning of buttons and so on , have been much less interesting to designers than the aesthetic judgement .
24 Britain 's Department of the Environment claims that the risk to humans is far smaller , ‘ human beings are much less sensitive to dioxins than many other species , ’ says its report on the subject .
25 The computer analysis also threw up another interesting question : if shaft flexibility is not dynamically important than why is it apparently so important for golfers ?
26 The US Justice Department 's Merger Guidelines and Vertical Restraints Guidelines are examples of rules designed to give an initial screen , and are obviously extremely helpful to firms and their advisers .
27 Compared to ‘ Rust In Peace ’ , ‘ Countdown To Extinction ’ is somewhat less complex in terms of arrangements , number of riffs per song etc .
28 Hetherington ( 1979 ) found that if marital separation led to a cessation of hostilities and conflict , this seemed somewhat less damaging for children than remaining in a discordant , unhappy , but intact home .
29 Though this work was done to explain the strength of very tiny crystals it is worthy of the attention of engineers who are perhaps somewhat frightened of cracks but take a rather light-hearted view of steps in machinery and structures .
30 It was in fact rare for a grandchild to be so entirely dependant on grandparents , even after death or desertion .
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