Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 It is about extending decision-making to the level where it can take place most effectively and where it can be informed by local circumstances in the context of the policy and philosophy of the school .
2 One in Devon has 70 members and is carried on much as when it was founded in 1799 .
3 For a start he 'd given up being a hippie , which must have been a relief to the Fish , not only professionally but because it meant the Fish could play Charlie soul records — Otis Redding and all — the only music he liked .
4 There are long stretches when I forget this experience totally , so much so that when it suddenly comes into my mind again it is each time with the shock of newness .
5 It was slightly damp not in patches but all over as if it had been soaked in water then wrung out and left to dry through the night .
6 Ultimately each citizen will have a unique NHS number , and nationally linked population registers will ensure both that information needs to be entered only once and that it is available to any clinician caring for the patient .
7 In either case , an unauthorised practitioner will have committed a criminal offence under the Financial Services Act , and pleading that he did it only once or that it happened by accident is not going to impress anyone .
8 And if a cold-blooded animal is cold , then it metabolizes less rapidly than if it is warm — and so needs less energy , which means less food .
9 It is in domestic architecture that Ostia provides the most interesting revelations for here are astonishingly well preserved remains of insulae , the tenement blocks which must have been constructed in quantity in Rome itself and , since Ostia is so near and as it had such close association with the capital , probably of a very similar character .
10 It is of great credit to the Committee that it describes the situation so clearly and that it points out many of the problems that have come about as a result of Government policy towards private residential care over the past few years .
11 Yes er I mean they er they , they want the whole peasant movement involved , I mean after all the peasants they 're , although they 're a wealthy peasant , these people are not enormously wealthy , they may be wealthy on a relative scale in a village , but certainly not er you know er er er half as weal anything like as wealthy as , as a , the , the landlords , the large land owners and so on and that it is a peasant movement , the whole peasant strata they wanted to involve
12 I said , well I said er I 'll ask Peter , I know there is one down there but whether it 's for sale or not , I said I 'll be cheeky this morning and ask him .
13 At the moment it was the traditional tale of going up to Jackson 's at 10 in the morning after an all-night session at Dobell 's — wine we drank in those days , Poppet , wine that was wine not this filthy MUCK — and demanding double portions of oysters all round and when it came to pay no one had a penny , so Dobell , who even then still had the charm of a boy of twenty , and a slim waist to go with it , said he would bring in one of the engravings from his collection , and Gaston , who always recognised a gentleman — not like the CLODS who run hostelries nowadays — with tears in his eyes said it was an honour , an honour to serve Mr Dobell and his friends .
14 If you go much faster than that it gets windy very quickly , although the heater can still turn the cabin into blast furnace .
15 When the vowel is long , it is usually front-raised much farther than when it is short and may be as high as [ e : ] .
16 With a final darting glance to ensure that her appearance was in order she made her way as nervously downstairs as if it had been she herself about to marry .
17 Conservative Robert Goodwill claims Labour 's minimum wage policy has not been thought through properly and that it would ‘ cause inflation to let rip again ’ .
18 ‘ did wilfully , openly , lewdly and obscenely ’ These terms are proved by a witness stating the penis was exposed openly and not accidently and that it was erect , stiff or swollen etc .
19 Not entirely that because it is also to do with the mechanism by which government grant is distributed .
20 remember ours , it would not be flat smells of cat but not only that if it weed on me carpet as much as I love it I might get a
21 Well no , not only that if it 's the simplest way
22 Since aspects of each can be understood better in the light of their absence , each may be noticed more when it is not there than when it is .
23 Just because not everyone may spot the toy gun in this ad and attach a certain symbolic significance to it , it does not mean that it is not there nor that it has no effect .
24 It had been torched quickly , gleefully , unconstrained by any outsider 's opinions of just how or when it should be done .
25 Right it is a hundred miles from King 's Lynn to London , the train takes two hours to do the journey the train does not go at a constant speed , it speeds up sometimes and slows down at other times it also stops at stations on the way and on once of course as it , as it 's stopping it 's going more and more slowly and as it 's er moving off again it starts slowly and starts to go quickly but because it takes two hours in all the train goes a hundred miles in two hours we say its average speed for the journey is fifty miles per hour .
26 Water holds a fascination for everyone , but never more so than when it is moving .
27 When your skin becomes damaged by sunburn it loses heat and moisture more easily and when it is extensive then sunstroke follows when someone is dehydrated and lacking salt .
28 During the small group discussions , most men confirmed that they would like to make love more often and that it is their partners who restrict how often it occurs .
29 As the whole system is headed by a man , it is likely that the village has to move more frequently than if it were headed by a woman .
30 This study compares the methods used to diagnose pyloric stenosis at Camperdown children 's hospital during two periods , 1974–7 and 1988–91 , to determine whether imaging is being used more frequently and whether it has led to earlier diagnosis and better management of pyloric stenosis .
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