Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 This alternative view , a member of a small family of related although differing views , follows on naturally enough from a consideration of Hume 's .
2 This choice had advantages of feasibility , but was not made without the reservation that advantages for the generic approach might lie in its ability to transcend client group stereotypes ; this seemed less of a problem , however , with elderly people , who fall rather less ambiguously into a self-contained category of client than some others .
3 We sat down rather disconsolately on a rock to eat a couple of fun-sized Mars bars while pondering out next move .
4 ‘ You 'll be all right there for a while , ’ she told him , tying on the lid with a piece of string .
5 Neither defence was likely to go down conspicuously well in a crowded House .
6 His main powers concern external relations , defence and , perhaps most significantly for a supporter of the death penalty , the ultimate say on whether a condemned man will hang .
7 We shutdown the old plant and start afresh somewhere else with a new labour force .
8 Overall , within the culture of antislavery economic boycott and free-produce activities worked much less significantly as a way of drawing in support than as a mark which some abolitionists chose to display of their antislavery identity .
9 He had that high-coloured English complexion , which looks so much better with a suntan .
10 At least that way there is no way you can be held back by the so-called ‘ glass ceiling ’ — the phrase coined in the United States to describe the invisible barriers that allow women to rise only so far in an organisation .
11 There were very old dogs , taken gently to the nearest suitable spot then straight home ; dogs who bounded ahead , to wait for a moment , look round , eyes shining , mouth dripping , before dashing off once more ; dogs on the lead , who would drag their owner slowly from one thoughtfully sniffed-over site to the next ; and there were some , like Wilson , who trotted to heel — alert , brisk , responsible — although Wilson was not a dog , only so much like an Aberdeen terrier in bearing and gait that his picture sometimes became confused in my mind .
12 If defectors stayed at home the intelligence world would be much better off as a result .
13 On reflection , the catering industry may well be much better off as a result of the Government 's proposals for a self-regulatory approach , but it all depends at the end of the day on how well it gets its act together , using Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment systems to identify the problem areas .
14 I I certainly did n't go in in in in with a rank on my shoulder , I went in as a recruit .
15 The real Cardiff Bay barrage story is rather different from the one on the poster ( enough so far for a residents ' association , the Cardiff Flood Action Committee , to have complained to the Advertising Standards Authority , and for the RSPB to be considering following suit ) .
16 Some have argued that this policy of ambiguity and delay reflected wishful thinking on his part , a misguided belief that he could somehow parlay his personal standing with all parties into a new consensus that would hold the communities together long enough for a French-financed modernization programme to work its magic .
17 These were the years of Stalin 's purges , and it was fortunate that he had spent so long away at a great distance .
18 " Dogs first " — that would take an immoderate time — perhaps long enough for a third drink .
19 It is it is in a way is n't it well very much so not just in a way it 's very much because we have what 's that saying we say a picture is paints a thousand words yeah ?
20 His expression remained as unchanged as if she 'd never spoken , and she was gripped all over again by a longing to shatter that icy exterior .
21 When a curate has planted one new church , he is encouraged strongly to uproot , move and start all over again in a completely new situation .
22 Following the review stage they may then repeat the cycle of preparation — teaching — feedback all over again in an attempt to improve their performance of that skill .
23 But they must prove themselves all over again against a Teddy McCarthy inspired Cork side .
24 This is the story of the Bristol Blenheim that was so painstakingly restored by Graham Warner and his team of enthusiasts , only to be destroyed so soon afterwards in a crash .
25 The mountain , in the Pakistan Karakoram , is sometimes known as Masherbrum Far West , and appears to have been climbed only once before by an Italian team .
26 In practice , by 1975 , the resistance to this approach proved so great that settlement was the real objective , with the justification that farming families could be supported in every way — agriculturally , medically and educationally — much more effectively on a group basis .
27 Both tables conceal significant variations in responses between readers of ‘ quality ’ and ‘ tabloid ’ newspapers ( Table 1.3 ) : the former remain wedded to their preferred medium , using it much more extensively as a means of surveying the world in depth , whilst readers of tabloid newspapers rely more heavily on television and also tend to attach greater credibility to it as a source of news ( Table 1.4 ) .
28 Tutoring ideas could be used much more widely as a way of helping both older and younger students , for example with older pupils helping younger ones in their own schools .
29 In a more relaxed moment — and there were not many of these Ken told Fenella that he always felt ‘ obliged to go much more out on a limb than most people . ’
30 By the late 19th century , hard-knotted rugs had almost ceased to be made in Europe , as the advent of weaving machines meant that rugs could be produced much more quickly at a fraction of the cost .
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