Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] out [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is in the myth of Odysseus that they most poignantly figure out the tragic paralysis of the dialectic , and , by extension , the quandary of cultural critique : to steer past the temptations of the Sirens whose fatal song can not be resisted , Odysseus stuffs his men 's ears with wax so that they will not be distracted from their rowing , and binds himself to the mast with orders that he must not be released .
2 The Vatican declaration furthermore expressly rules out the objection that , in the eucharist , it is the risen Christ who is represented ; and that as such he has no sex .
3 And what pride she had , that transcended her meagre purse and the threadbare pelisse that so little kept out the winter cold that she still wore it inside the house , and had been obliged to come down from her room to seek a little warmth from the dying fire .
4 Theodora had spread out the Ordnance Survey and fended off Tobias long enough to make out a route .
5 She had wanted so desperately to find out the truth about Luke , but now that was the last thing she wanted to know .
6 The moon was not yet up and in the darkness we could only just make out the rock face of the west bank above us , a cliff some thirty feet high .
7 we , we 've only just got out the bath and then she says come on hurry up now
8 I could see no tourists or other strollers so quickly cast out a handful of breadcrumbs .
9 The French only ever tap out the downbeat , and indicate the others by various movements of the hand to right and left .
10 They they reduce the rate , and a year or so later bring out a new account paying top rates .
11 The analysts had so far carried out a largely theoretical exercise , developing models in a detached and objective way so that broad-based ideas about future strategies could be discussed with the College Principals and officers from the LEA headquarters .
12 He made very few mistakes and so often picked out the right line on the greens , lines which at the time I doubted , that I left the decisions to him . ’
13 ( Linking with geography , to give just one example , could involve using maps , making plans , studying the functions of different buildings and uses of land , looking at the different jobs done by people today , and perhaps even carrying out a traffic census or statistical survey . )
14 At first it had seemed he was only there to sit out the war with his French woman , but then the summons had come from the Dutch army and Isabella had known that her husband would follow Sharpe .
15 We are readily persuaded to postpone any criticisms we may have of his mode of telling the story , and the next two lines make it clear that the tale is only there to bring out a moral .
16 She let her lashes flutter down briefly to shut out the sight of Lucenzo 's smouldering eyes , which seemed to be mesmerising her into surrender .
17 First the polarisation detectors were not far enough apart to rule out the possibility of overlapping single-particle wave functions ; and secondly the pairs of detected photons were not space-like separated — a signal travelling at the speed of light could have passed between the two sets of apparatus .
18 The alcohol inside was now only faintly blurring out the throbbing pain in his jaw .
19 After a while , two soldiers in khaki ponchos came up the hill and asked us somewhat apologetically to put out the fire .
20 On Aug. 9 Cuomo stated that Bush could be defeated by an aggressive campaign which focused on domestic issues , but suggested that he was not interested in seeking the nomination , although he did not entirely rule out the possibility .
21 The first stage , it should be noted , does not necessarily rule out the possibility of ontological pluralism , unless it explicitly includes the thesis of independence of substance ; it merely involves a rejection of the view that properties and relations are two mutually separate and incommensurable categories , with relations allegedly being purely extrinsic " to ( and hence making no difference to the essential nature of ) their terms .
22 These days it 's not enough to send out the invite and hope they reply .
23 There should be time not only to carry out the patient care but also to discuss and evaluate it .
24 The researchers have therefore not only separated out the effects of gluons from those due to quarks , but have also learned something about the still little understood way in which these building blocks turn into conventional particles .
25 I was able not only to point out the inconsistencies of the so-called ‘ voluntary agreements ’ but also to the confusion in the ranks of the tobacco industry .
26 And David in , that psalm which we read earlier , in psalm twenty three , he paints the picture of how the good shepherd , not only seeks out the lost sheep but once he has brought him back , once he has rescued the , a lost sheep , he care for it .
27 During the past two days we have heard a vast number of contributions and I pay tribute to the common sense and foresight of Labour Members who have not only pointed out the inequalities of the system that is still in being but the pitfalls that we see ahead of us .
28 Thus the same researcher not only carries out the basic work on a new product but — equally important — is out in the market-place looking for and trying to solve customer problems .
29 A sociology of the unconscious would not only point out the unintended consequences of social action , where these are grasped and comprehended in terms of conscious intentions which are then misunderstood , or reinterpreted , by other groups within the social relationships , and which result in outcomes which neither the original intender nor the others could have foreseen .
30 The country was conquered by the Afghans but by the middle of the century the Persians had not only thrown out the Afghans but also marched through the Khyber Pass and captured India .
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