Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [conj] at " in BNC.

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1 Modern society , it may be argued , is not like a set of neatly intermeshing and well-oiled cogs , but rather a game in which groups of players have considerable discretion so long as they keep within a set of rules which are often themselves rather loosely defined or at least open to negotiation and change .
2 So just mentioning that at the moment causes confusion , you do n't know what it is .
3 It was odd , she thought , that scientists so often were n't religious when their work revealed a world so variously marvellous and yet so mysteriously unified and at one .
4 The private group , which insures invoices and financing arrangements , recorded 1,220 falures in the first half of this year , but indications so far show that at least 2,000 more failures will be recorded by the end of the year .
5 the likelihood of the damage or of its being severe was due to characteristics of the animal which are not normally found in animals of the same species or are not normally so found except at particular times or in particular circumstances ; and
6 The reason why the present government nevertheless eventually sanctioned this book is that it mainly covers the war years , when the secret services were inevitably more widely tolerated than at other times .
7 It should be more generously calculated than at present and should not merely be the bare minimum market value , as seems to be the case at present .
8 It is not easy to judge from the vantage-point of the late twentieth century , for in the second half of this century rural life has been more profoundly transformed than at any time since the invention of agriculture .
9 ‘ It 's done on the barrel , ’ said the chairman who much more happily confided that at 59 of course he will be batting and bowling again this summer , ‘ and that 's what it worked out a pint .
10 Its academic success had been such that it had become progressively less progressive , its original zeal swamped by the fee-paying prosperous solid Northern conservatism of parents and offspring : it had become a bastion of respectability , its one-time principles upheld by stray survivors like Doddridge , who appeared blithely not to notice that at election time the entire school , with one or two flamboyant exceptions , howled its enthusiasm for the Tory Party .
11 But perhaps our feet were guided there , because we came out much soothed and at peace .
12 He gazed in unwilling fascination at the blazing , smoking plane , now directly abeam and at an altitude of under a thousand feet .
13 If the ‘ pincers ’ were to meet then the space for conventional capitalist ‘ management ’ — i.e. the hierarchal direction of enterprises in the pursuit of profit , recognising some form of responsibility to ‘ shareholders ’ but not to working people — would be at least severely restricted and at best eliminated .
14 It is quite well known that at Christmas British and German troops briefly fraternized and drank together in no-man's-land .
15 Where better to begin than at the top ?
16 It was eventually surgically removed although at this stage Donal 's mother was not even aware of the situation .
17 There is no mechanism to enforce user involvement and it is therefore often ignored or at best lip-service paid to it .
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