Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] might [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 He thinks perhaps I might have a few days away from here .
2 So I might make a trip to .
3 So I might make a waistcoat .
4 So I might get a phone call from somewhere , you know .
5 so I might have a couple of days off and then I can be with Laddie and take him for walks and everything
6 erm that 's a clumsy , and perhaps you might say a rather German way of putting it , but seeing religion as one of the things people do , one of the things that we can understand now that we 're good at understanding history — we can understand how society works , we can understand that a person is interested in religion for psychological reasons because he is a certain kind of person , comes from a certain kind of family , and so from all sorts of angles religion is being understood and the cost is that it 's not such an absolute thing as before .
7 ‘ But perhaps you might like a little something to eat now , a little hot chocolate and some cinnamon toast . ’
8 ‘ Now then , I have , a-hem , noticed your presence in Riverbank and thought perhaps you might appreciate a word of welcome .
9 So you might have a stand
10 Perhaps we might have a look at things , at this stage , through the eyes of young Benjamin Titford , the youngest surviving son , left motherless at nine years old ; waving his big brother William Charles goodbye as he set off for London soon afterwards ; watching brother John cough himself into an early grave ; listening to endless conversations about high prices , shortages , and a war across the channel ; dragged out of his bed in the middle of the night to cries of ‘ Fire ! ’ and ‘ Flood ! ’ ; struggling to keep warm every winter ; watching his father die of a long illness — these experiences made his childhood , in modern terms , an awful , albeit a dramatic one .
11 Energy is thus dispersed and so we might expect an increase in entropy and not a decrease .
12 Also organisations like ours are members of the Construction Industry Training Board so for instance if was going along we might get a from the C I T B so I mean grants might be available if people rout around for them .
13 He could countenance violence and killing , if only they might provide a way out of the taedium vitae which formed his spiritual landscape .
14 So it might pay a mother to wait for a few days and see what happened to the baby .
15 After Flinders you are aware I go to Kings and although I trust it will not be so it might take a month to accomplish the journey ( that is if the winds prove contrary ) I state this in order that you might not be alarmed in not hearing from me .
16 Still you might get a a big redundancy pay out if you do .
17 No , but like she might have a minute while she 's having her din , the they 're really busy you know in there !
18 There is an additional aspect that erm we we must look also , I think , at the viability of the services and facilities , er , within the new settlement , if the new settlement is , for the sake of argument five hundred houses then my submission is that that really offers no long term viability for any facility or service , erm , clearly you might get a primary school if the new settlement size was of the order of eight hundred to a thousand dwellings , but you would not get any sizable retail element , and so however far that settlement was located from the main centre they would still become dependant on that centre , and that 's why I think it 's important to recognize that if you are to achieve the erm if you like the balance of requirements , of achieving erm a reasonable degree of self containment within the new settlement , but also meet the needs of York , it has to be a reasonable size , but located as close to York as possible
19 But also it might have a greater effect on leukaemic cells , which divide more frequently , probably use more folic acid , and are thus more vulnerable to a competitive antagonist .
20 ‘ Henry ! ’ said Elinor , in a voice that suggested that if he did n't shut up he might get a clip round the ear .
21 He fills it up , and cooks for himself , and when it gets down to a certain level then he thinks , ‘ now I might do a concert ’ .
22 Now I might get a place there , this time .
23 Now I might get a king .
24 Perhaps now she might get an idea of what went wrong .
25 Later on they might have a few minutes together and he would hold her and she would become herself again .
26 Well I might need a hand .
27 Yeah well she might have a paper one .
28 But I said to I said well you might get a free month but I said or you in March and then Ap supposedly April starts again .
29 Well you might have a
30 One must be worthy , an intense purity and refinement of thought is required , even one might say a kind of holiness . ’
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