Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb base] it [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 P.S If this letter does nt get there I 'm gon na give up , so if it does will someone acknowledge it so I know it has'nt been a waste of time .
2 I says probably Monday so I thought well I give it time any way in case you get in
3 Oh I ai n't seen it yet , ha , S C R U signet , S I G N E T , S I G N E T that 's how you spell it signet , I 'll start using these things
4 King Alfred brought it into his translation of Boethius too , to explain why divine Providence does not affect free will : ‘ What we call God 's fore-thought and his Providence ’ , he wrote , ‘ is while it is there in His mind , before it gets done , while it 's still being thought ; but once it 's done , then we call it wyrd .
5 Then they take it sort of up a level
6 ‘ You know why they call it Ecstasy ? ’
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