Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] them " in BNC.

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1 For the import of the " new " sense of design which I have hypothesised could be developed from these sketches is its interaction with social forces — literally its forming of them .
2 Why did she feel like a raw beginner in medical school , having to explain her actions , or rather her lack of them , to a senior ?
3 Fenella looked over her shoulder at them and saw that they were looking at her with such blind trust and with such faith that cold anger rose in her at the evil Lord who had forced them to his work .
4 Do we really know anyone well enough to make up their mind for them ?
5 He justified his secrecy to himself as a necessary precaution , but , lying somewhat deeper , there was a wish to preserve the intimacy of the link with Heather that they represented , a desire to conceal both his possession of them and his pursuit of what they meant .
6 " If the other bishops were like him , " he said , " no king or ruler would dare raise up his head against them . " "
7 but the young father has no intention of giving up his son to them .
8 We feel differently about our parents when we are children than we do as adults , and while this may not alter our recollections of everyday family life , it will affect what we choose to highlight , and how we sum up our relationship with them .
9 They basically carved up our surplus between them and each supported the other and overriding all of that is that each and every one of them was an active member of the scheme .
10 And when his friends and business associates came round , I would put on my finery and try out my power on them too .
11 You could hear them gasp as Quiggers reached out his arm to them .
12 ‘ And was n't it kind of them to leave the things to Anne and myself and the nice messages ? ’
13 I know , Pamphilus , that everything I leave you will pass to my sons , since I have noted well your affection towards them . ’
14 The position at the moment is that the defendant tells me he would like to acquire the premises because erm a low criticism has , was made of the premises as being suitable for the carry on of the doctors surgery in partner , a doctor 's surgery in partnership because no doubt the space and other matters , er the defendant tells me that erm they are perfectly suitable for as it were a sole petitioner to carry on his practice from them and that is why he would like to acquire it .
15 Maybe my connection with them has rebounded on Sheffield United .
16 If we believe that they are , with us , part of the ‘ One , Holy , Catholic and Apostolic Church ’ , then our relationship with them is important .
17 It is only when your treatment of them is lacking in some way that they are likely to show any degree of aggression .
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