Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [modal v] be [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps we could be soldiers here .
2 Perhaps there would be guests to be welcomed — travellers , or merchants from the East who would display their wares of silk or gold or ivory , ’ said Oisin .
3 Erm so er i i i er , I think that erm , er er er y you 'll see that erm th th the the situation is n't , erm , er , perhaps quite as simple a a as you might , erm as you might think erm and , er , next year if that happened er , perhaps there 'd be headlines saying Pearson directors er , half their remuneration .
4 Naturally there will be memories of matters you felt were entirely the fault of others .
5 Before long there 'll be machines for washing and dressing people — machines for feeding them — machines for … ’
6 Obviously there may be circumstances in which the normal procedure of application and issue can not be followed because of the urgency of the matter and a procedure exists for obtaining an emergency representation certificate in such cases .
7 Obviously there can be abuses of any group — authoritarian leadership group pressure , loss of individual responsibility .
8 While inevitably this will be a somewhat rough-and-ready exercise — and obviously there will be gaps — the closer you are to retirement , the more worthwhile it will be .
9 Obviously there will be types of occasions which have not occurred within our past experience .
10 So there may be occasions when you feel that it would be nice to make er a change to er a system or procedure , and in actual fact it becomes really not possible because we would then be going against the dictates and requirements in I S O Nine Thousand and One .
11 So there should be things to exploit in video material that we do n't have to think about with other material we use in the classroom .
12 Er , another bit of the truth might be got by another researcher and er so there will be differences in what two researchers , using the same method , would get .
13 So there could be cases where officers on particularly dangerous assignments , need to be armed and in which case , they will be armed .
14 For the young person starting out alone there will be moments of panic — phone calls home , and moments of miserable isolation when you do not know what to do , either practically or emotionally .
15 Defensively there will be questions asked in both camps .
16 Safety/environment : Ensure that our good record on safety improvement is sustained ; set environmental targets , record progress and prepare an external communications programme to tell people what we are doing ; give employees the facts first so they can be ambassadors for the company .
17 So it would be lenders who would gain from credit insurance ( and , in particular , from an efficient low-cost insurance scheme which would not seem to their customers to innate their credit payments unduly ) .
18 Secure in their seniority , these Congressional ‘ barons ’ determined when and if committee meetings were held ; controlled the appearance of witnesses ; decided the speaking opportunities of their colleagues on the committee ; hired and fired committee staff ; decreed whether or not their would be sub-committees ; appointed sub-committee chairmen ; reported the deliberations of the committee to the full House and appointed committee representatives to conference committees .
19 A visit to a country house for instance will probably include reference to some of the social groups and classes of the period under study ( upstairs/downstairs , the estate workers , the craft or factory workers who produced many of the goods seen in the house ) ; the role of the gentry as leaders and rulers of their society can be covered ; there will be ample scope for looking at the economic and technological aspects of life in the period , especially if the house is related to its setting and the surrounding estate and countryside that supported it ; finally there will be objects or rooms in the house which relate to cultural or religious life in the period .
20 Well obviously if , if we take these away there might be questions .
21 ‘ It remains to be seen whether or not there will be disciples who will carry on his work of popularizing football , making it attractive to the shilling-paying public , ’ commented The Times in its obituary .
22 Soon there will be horses to eat . ’
23 just now they were in the same place , like Wayne and the trucks , but sometime soon they 'd be miles apart .
24 D'Arcy said : ‘ Normally it could be months .
25 and you go up this thing that winds in and out and like there 'd be cockerels sitting on the , on the little fences you have to go round , trying to peck you to death , er I was like only tiny , you know , it was just like
26 WP Clearly there will be difficulties in turning the country round from state socialism to capitalism .
27 Similarly there may be occasions , especially during the low season , when certain advertised entertainments or amenities are changed , cancelled or curtailed .
28 It began to be a test — the test — of whether he could still live with himself once the months ( but probably it would be years ) of imprisonment were over .
29 Right why should we be bothered about protectionism y'know why is G A T so important presumably there must be gainers as well as losers from protectionism so the gainers and the losers domestic farmers gainers or losers ?
30 Additionally there would be questions relating to horticulture and agriculture in Britain covering a diversity of subjects , from seed selection to estate enterprise .
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