Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [verb] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually I protested so Father Prior took me for a walk in the meadows and said I was to prove my worth with one final task . ’
2 so she 's er , she 's waiting for 'em to come to do that , anyway she 's er , somebody rang her did n't they and they asked her if she 'd have a little boy of four months old , Thursdays and Fridays all day and she started this week with him , so I said well Pauline
3 So I said well sir I find maths really boring and I walk into this classroom and it 's all painted the same with this blackboard in front and I just find it boring , he goes yes guess who he was taught by at rugby ?
4 So I said well Janet 's a vegetarian I said , I ca n't give us lot roast lamb and give her you know .
5 I hope so I hope so memories are memories and er
6 Well , I like Italian opera so I like maybe operas
7 Erm so I think possibly people do n't really feel responsible for that , for those , that space within the flats which is n't actually right outside their front door .
8 So I think maybe sort of first priority is find out a bit more information then about erm who employs these sorts people .
9 Going I was alright coming back , yesterday I felt tired , at three o'clock I went too bed .
10 So , er so you work tomorrow day , so you worked Wednesday and Thursday when you did n't expect to be , but you 're off now ?
11 So let's have a look at erm the previous one no we 'll look at , we 'll look at Kelly 's here and if I do something like save so we put here total is one pound fifty .
12 So so we 've actually Chamber of commerce to certain people at college and we 're hoping
13 Erm so we need really equations for all of these .
14 So we have here beauty and wisdom united , to everyone 's great advantage ! ’
15 So they feel really part of er part of it .
16 so he come home Wednesday morning
17 So what happened about time and a half ?
18 Finally I twisted together lengths of red and white yarn to make a rope for the sledge and stitched some stars around the moon to add to the frosty effect .
19 No I do n't , but nevertheless nobody knew only people like us and the neighbours , how that kid was every day when her mother to the T S B and her mother according to Julia had her because it was the done thing her mother , her own mother would n't have her , Kerry to look after her and I know that for a fact because one time when Ross was ill , Julia said I ca n't have her and she said oh god I suppose I 've got to go and beg my mother to have her now she did , but the woman said to Julia , I mean she would n't give up her job , they had a four bedroomed house , two bloody great cars , eleven cats
20 And really the slate industry I think probably hinges on quality being maintained you know I mean li like I said I do n't want to go in you know I 'm no expert on this sort of thing but erm A deep sense of of injustice I think is that and , oh my God if if we let him start making us just you know like robots produce more and more slate and laying off some of the older craftsmen and you know they do and David Price who knows and I mean th they put that and and then they the last fifteen years it was a it was a defunct slate quarry before you know and they I mean it 's not as i it 's not an easy thing to er work slate I 'm sure it 's d difficult and you have to know what you 're doing .
21 But we just you know like Saturday night we really enjoy making a nice meal and having a nice bottle of wine or something and doing something
22 I think she was a pest ; she sounds like a pest ; though admittedly we hear only Gustave 's side of the story .
23 And then at the end of the day not everybody has even friends or neighbours that they 'd want to impose on ?
24 They took a number of other unrelated objects , and finally they took both Mr and Mrs T in separate police cars , driving them very fast over the adjoining islands where the sea lapped the famous barriers , to the mainland .
25 This is exactly what happens once God has met us , spoken to us , challenged our ways and thoughts , and revealed himself to us .
26 And she did narf she did narf shit on Linda !
27 Right , when you , off you go then dear , you want to put that stuff in ?
28 You you you used to break windows but it was n't done like you see now people , kids s picking up bricks and just breaking a window for the sheer delight of it .
29 Moreover we see both bomber forces gaining weight and flexing muscle ; Harris with his 100 bomber squadrons in sight ( but still painfully short of the Chief of Air Staff 's promised 3,500 aircraft ) , and the General commanding the Eighth Air Force in no better state , having to fight and fight hard to arrest the diversion of his build-up in aircraft to other theatres .
30 No , we need a little training session to brush up on handling the queries and objections that you may get , it 's like we did yesterday afternoon .
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