Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 They wo n't be able to just move on because their permanent pitches , what they call permanent pitches which I 'm not sure exactly what it is , but that is what they 're called , so presumably I mean they 're not going to be able to move on all of a sudden .
2 But , although it was something to tell the others at school , secretly I thought he was important enough already .
3 The most moving thing that ever happened to them , they say — but secretly I think it is all to do with stealing thunder from the women .
4 Right I think it 's about twelve months I think it was .
5 Right I think it 's probably .
6 And if I mind right I think it was some kind of relational that used to e in the bank , that was a teacher there .
7 Right I reckon I 'm going to get
8 This time she more or less flew straight to me , and I felt confident enough to fly her another three or four times , each one successfully , although eventually I sensed she was losing interest , fretfully tearing at her jesses and gazing round .
9 Dorothy Sayers ' Harriet Vane was 31 at her Gaudy , yet her nostalgia and sense of life-lived-since put her nearer our mid-forties ; paradoxically I think we 're much closer to our former selves — or do they all say that ?
10 Now to do that effectively I think it 's essential that I get you to participate in what 's happening so from time to time I 'm going to ask you to answer questions , sometimes by writing them down , sometimes by shows of hands erm sometimes by er reacting back erm to the questions that I ask .
11 So you would n't have to spend a fortune on , on , on I mean it 's only a matter of most of it 's a matter of paint , and then hanging a few things up is n't it ?
12 If you saw it over the weekend I mean there was I think it was group sex er it was it wa was gay sex and it was all going on I mean it was all I thought it was the most exciting thing I have seen for a long time to be quite honest .
13 He says I 'm coming New Year 's Day , alright , he went down and he shut it , cos I went in the shop and I says er hang on I thought you was open New Year 's Day ?
14 Very early on I realised you 're entrusted the history and spirit of the Squadron .
15 My dad he he usually goes to a pub er it is on I think it 's Road but instead of coming this way he goes all the way into town up the other end , you know past the Hotel , he lives at
16 all the consultation that also talks about in this paper is met with the two centres , the management committee of Highfields youth and commune centre and also the users of the Moat Centre and I think in light of everything that 's gone on I think it 's substantially a success to stand here and say that we have at least achieved some result and I I formally would welcome the Libs supporting this this afternoon and I 'm grateful for the turn that the Libs have made and in light of er what er Mr the involvement Mr has put in .
17 The dress is very nice but once I 've got it on I realize I 'm just not in the mood for it .
18 It 's , yeah somewhere I think it 's a pound or two more but I ca n't be sure .
19 Now we either are going in the direction this morning , or rather I think you 're being pressed to go in the direction of seeking to identify in due course , what is the preferred general location , and this undoubtedly is something you can hang your hat on .
20 So whom had he been talking to ?
21 Suddenly I realised I was drunk and alone .
22 On the street again , suddenly I felt I was in the middle of a farce — ‘ POLICE SEARCH FOR THE BIG BANANA IS ON — and the discovery that actually I did have my cheque numbers in my moneybelt and that it was the photocopies that had been stolen made me almost light-headed .
23 Suddenly I felt I was talking to my mum .
24 I had felt at the instant the idea suggested itself to me the first glimmer of positive thought : suddenly I knew I was not going to sink .
25 suddenly I mean they were outcasts
26 ‘ I just came in to buy some flowers and a paper and suddenly I find I 'm in the middle of it all .
27 Erm and er the colours for men by tradition are much I think they 're much subtler Hm .
28 I felt such a hypocrite in church , knowing that He knew about me , knowing that no matter how much I washed I was still unclean , unfit to stand in His house .
29 ‘ I 'm told they might need me for a bit of PR work , but basically I gather I 'm going to be the technician permanently with the team . ’
30 Er er but I think that 's the , the theme that runs through the whole thing , especially when he 's talking about his fourteen great achievements , is the fact that basically I mean he 's trying to sell himself , as you said before , he 's a pretty lowly member at this , you know , erm at this case and there therefore obviously he 's out to make a name for himself .
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