Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 May I also pass on my thanks to your master for providing such a great venue for my business lunches .
2 I have no anger , only my love for him , ’ said Mrs Pratley .
3 Also , it 's only my word against theirs . ’
4 And it 's coming down my shoulder to my hand .
5 Seventeen blissful years with nary a thought of green sunblock , purple reflective goggles or navy blue knockers and not a knot in my stomach , in anticipation of hurtling off a glacier with sweat running down my longjohns into my boot-bindings .
6 ‘ We always started seriously , usually discussing Louisa and perhaps her problems with her legs which stopped her doing her old-time dancing . ’
7 A proper discussion of a football match can not occur if one of the participants is quite ignorant of the rules of the game ; and the kind of assessment of a restaurant meal that would involve the possible insertion of the establishment into a good food guide ( or perhaps its deletion from it ) will not get very far if one of the diners does not care for the meal because his idea of a gastronomic treat is a cheeseburger and french fries ( though within the order of the burger discriminations are possible ) .
8 The grandness of the meal , and how much of it you pay for , depends upon the expectations of yourself and your guests and perhaps their relationship to you .
9 For the import of the " new " sense of design which I have hypothesised could be developed from these sketches is its interaction with social forces — literally its forming of them .
10 And it was surely only her memory of her mother that made it repulsive .
11 From the other side , leaving only her fingers around its edge , she said , ‘ Good-night .
12 ‘ It 's only her word against yours . ’
13 And still she did not go , but hovered , touching with long fingers along his shelves of vessels , reaching up to rustle the hanging bunches of herbs overhead , keeping only her profile towards him .
14 Standing over him , she saw how very old he must be , with the skin of his face and neck pleated in heavy folds of wrinkles and his wild hair quite sparse and white , and only her respect for his years prevented her from shaking him .
15 Still , he wanted to keep something of that spirit , if only its dauntlessness in what looked like a hopeless future ; for similarly contemporary reasons he wanted to offer his readers a model of elementary virtue existing without the support of religion .
16 Prime Minister Vorster had threatened to take action against English-language newspapers which refused to tone down their criticism of his government , and these included my paper , the Daily Dispatch , and the Herald of Port Elizabeth .
17 The rain was cold on their heads and streamed down their necks inside their clothing .
18 Meanwhile the Croats , throwing down their arms in their bivouac areas , had commenced moving down the main road in a dense mass , urged on by the Partisans at the back who were discharging arms in all directions .
19 In one study subjects were required to telephone the local weather information service on awakening , and to record a few details of the weather forecast on the top of their diary sheet before writing down their accounts of their dreams .
20 The thunder burst with a grand crash above our heads , and the heavens flung down their contents upon us .
21 Remember here that some people do not like seeing you write down their words for it interrupts their flow of thought .
22 Besides , I did n't fancy going to the Chapel and having all the family looking down their noses at me .
23 The stained-glass knights and their ladies looked down their noses at us rollicking serfs .
24 Simon , s brother , John , saw himself as one of the new breed of Conservatives , who were not bound by class ; yet he complained at length about other branches who ‘ look down their noses at us ’ .
25 Do n't look down their noses at you .
26 It 's just that New York fashion people look down their noses at you unless you 're a graduate of a fancy school of design . ’
27 Those the people that have been there and put down their names on it ?
28 Five grandfathers are less favourably remembered as drunkards : at least two passed down their habits to their sons — ‘ dad had a poor bringing up ’ — while a third son was provoked into signing the teetotal pledge .
29 She felt his big rough hand running along her body outside her new dress .
30 By pumping its throat muscles , the fish draws air down its throat to its pouches .
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