Example sentences of "[pron] took [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One of the strong impressions that I took away from the secondment was the ability of C&P managers at all levels to use various diagrammatic models to help them not only explain the workings of the company , but to help them analyse problems and synthesize solutions .
2 One company director — then unconverted — whom I took there for the first time one Tuesday had this reaction : ‘ All my life I have been longing without knowing it to hear preaching like this . ’
3 They got 'er took away in the end .
4 But her best-known theatre role in the city has to be as Shirley Valentine , the acclaimed Willy Russell play that she took all over the country four years ago .
5 But at a fourth I met an inquisitive little man who took greatly to the instrument , examining it under magnifying glasses and listening to its working through a miniature stethoscope .
6 It is interesting to note that Parliament struck these words out of s.62 because they took away from the purity of the section .
7 In the summer of 1888 landowners from Poltawa came to the Amir 's dominion and bought up live sheep in Kara Kul , which they took home by the railway .
8 We were fascinated by the lither , graceful women , effortlessly balancing judge , beautiful towers of fruit on their heads , which they took daily to the temples for blessing .
9 It took longer for the territories with loud speakers to be occupied than it did for the silent territories ( Figure 6.2 ) .
10 An irony of the Budget was that what it gave with one hand it took away with the other .
11 It took only until the next Wednesday when he beat me .
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