Example sentences of "[pron] took [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I took him for dead ,
2 He give me them , I took them for three days , right , I did n't come down for a fortnight and Russell 'll tell you that , I was high as a kite .
3 So I took her through that holiday in greater detail .
4 I took her outside this morning and she is the typical scaredy cat she is !
5 He said to Rain : ‘ She left them behind when I took her to Nice .
6 I took her on six years ago and she finished up managing our design workshop .
7 I took her by both hands and I started to swing her in a circle , singing as I went , shouting the words of the song over and over again .
8 I took you through old London 's streets ,
9 I took you over many a sea ,
10 I took it on full time , ’ she said .
11 So , before I left London , I took it to one of the maids at Richmond Palace , and do you know what she said ? ’
12 I took it to this kid at
13 I took it by popular demand , ’ said Kelly .
14 The Victorian was an integral part of a Northants revival which took them from 13th in the Championship table in 1951 to second place , behind the all-conquering Surrey combination , in 1957 .
15 It was just that he had strange ideas which took him into bad company .
16 John Pemberton was Palace 's genial and gutsy full-back throughout our promotion drive to Division one in 1988–89 and then in The Eagles ' progress to the FA Cup Final and Replay of' 1990 Indeed , his surging run in the semi-final against Liverpool at Villa Park , which took him past several defender s , before he delivered the cross from which Mark Bright put the Palace on terms and on the way to our stunning victory , will probably remain for ever in the memories of those who saw it , even though he impressed enormously in the two Cup Finals against Manchester United 's sophisticated and costly imports .
17 At sixteen he ran away from Harrow , and set up as a film director , work which took him to central Europe and east Africa , but proved financially unrewarding .
18 While the EC was debating its approach to the problems of Eastern Europe the president-elect of another distressed part of the world was nearing the end of a pre-inaugural tour which took him to all the major capitals .
19 Perhaps his father had the kind of job which took him to many parts of the country , and possibly he took the boy with him , I do not know .
20 The winner on the day was Francois Lombard — a result which took him to third place overall in the championships .
21 To his professional duties he had added the role of Departmental Safety Officer , and it was this experience which took him in 1977 to Imperial College in the new post of College Safety Director .
22 These cases have the very valuable result of getting a clear decision from the House of Lords , upheld in this respect by the European Court of Human Rights which took nothing from that decision , that such former members owe a lifelong duty of confidentiality .
23 After lunch we took one of the trains hauled by 1618 which took us to Horsted Keynes and up the new extension to New Coombe Bridge .
24 She took them with such sweetness , and grace , with such a look of affectionate gratitude and pleasure , that Gabriel felt like the Wise Man who presented frankincense to the Virgin Mary .
25 Somehow , and from somewhere , a beautiful young woman appeared — this was no imagined vision — and she took them to some hot springs where they all ended up naked .
26 She took them in unsteady hands stained with grave marks , and peered with suspicion at the manufacturer 's name .
27 Beth was convinced that Matthew would run away if she took him from this house , then what would become of him ?
28 Before they left , she took me to one side .
29 she took it on six year , he says seven to eighty so she looks like working for next six year
30 Mrs Browning handed her Ellen 's missive as though it were hardly fit to handle and she took it with equal reluctance .
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