Example sentences of "[pron] both a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If it is your own mother who is bereaved , the fact that you are grieving too will probably help you both a good deal , as you will be able to share your sorrow and comfort each other ; though in some families shared sorrow occasionally leads to friction and unreasonable apportioning of blame for trivial or imagined omissions in the course of the terminal illness of the deceased .
2 Ignorance may be blissful , but it could bring you both a nasty shock when the subject does come up .
3 For television , in particular , where the text is itself both a theoretical problem ( where does a television text begin and end ? ) , and a banal critical object ( in comparison with the things people do with it ) , it may be inevitable that attention fastens on an ethnography of consumption rather than on the objects of production .
4 Jonas poured them both a small measure of brandy , handed one to Paige , then made himself comfortable again , eyes watchful .
5 Her ‘ usual stuff ’ had built them both a fabulous reputation and in any case he was n't too sure how she would take such a phrase .
6 Below them both a paved terrace ran right up to the wall .
7 Marlin had given them both a detailed description of the assailant , and instructions to let nobody up to the second floor without Ms Odell 's permission , and even then they were to accompany the visitor to the apartment door , and escort them out if his guest chose not to see them .
8 Neither woman spoke and Alain gave them both a wry look before urging his mother further into the room .
9 One day I 'll 'ave enough money ter get yer both a nice place ter live .
10 I gently pushed him aside and walked in and he followed me around reading with great enthusiasm while I poured the contents of my shoes down the sink , removed my coat and made us both a hot drink , interjecting now and again with , ‘ Fancy that ! ’
11 And then make us both a hot drink .
12 All you 're doing is causing us both a whole lot of inconvenience by this irrational behaviour . ’
13 ‘ I 'll get us both a fresh glass . ’
14 ‘ Then do us both a big favour and leave me in peace , ’ she returned .
15 He went to the bar in the corner of the lounge and he poured us both a stiff whisky and soda .
16 The architect and his wife would put Eric up for the night and give us both a delicious dinner , the Signora exercising just the degree of chaperonage that was considered desirable at that time .
17 She poured us both a generous tot , and drank hers rather faster than liqueurs are normally drunk , then gasped and blinked as sudden tears started to her eyes .
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