Example sentences of "[pron] went [adv prt] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 I went out of a daytime working , chequebooks and all that kind of thing , but it gets boring after a while .
2 I went out of the front door and down the area steps to the basement entrance .
3 I went out of the room , but the voices became louder .
4 She went out of the room and I dragged a stool over to the mirror .
5 As she went out of the room carrying her plate and the cutlery , he stepped towards Aggie , saying softly , ‘ What d' you make of her ?
6 If she went out of the yard , which was rarely , one or other would go with her , and they never both left the yard together .
7 She went out of the kitchen and closed the door .
8 She went out of the room while he spoke on the telephone .
9 Since her last cry of ‘ Do n't ! ’ she had not uttered a word , and now she went out of the dining room on James 's arm without once looking back at Alexandra .
10 Emily left me , mouthing as she went out of the door that she was going back to the office .
11 And she went out of the room , leaving Clare and Bryony facing one another over two thousand five hundred sheets of paper that had to be folded by Friday .
12 She went out of the room but returned almost immediately .
13 Reluctantly she went out of the kitchen , across the small hall and towards the sitting-room .
14 As she went out of the door , she turned .
15 She went out of the room longing to slam the door as she often did at home , but she did n't dare to here .
16 We went out of the building .
17 On our way from Inverness to the west we went out of the train at the Muir of Ord of cattle-market fame .
18 As Paddy realised that his stalling tactics were n't going to get him a morning off we went out of the village on a treelined bridleway sloping gently down to the coast .
19 I took her hand in mine , and we went out of the ruined place ; and , as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first left the forge , so , the evening mists were rising now , and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed me , I saw no shadow of another parting from her .
20 But if we went out of the cup it could cost us more in lost revenue .
21 ‘ But then you discovered how , for two years , I 'd been concealing the knowledge of your son from you , ’ Ashley broke in harshly , ‘ and telling me went out of the window .
22 The tension was such that she felt sudden relief as they went out of the small room into the air .
23 I watched until they went out of the car park , then I walked slowly to my own car .
24 Then he crossed the room to collar a departing guest for some last words and they went out of the front door together .
25 Hand in hand , they went out of the garden .
26 They went out of the door chatting about having seen the land as the early settlers found it .
27 Frank delivered again for Norway U21 last night as they went out of the european U21 championship with a 3–1 loss .
28 As they went out of the shop he grinned .
29 I thought I saw some students go across the road , they went out of the main entrance and walked
30 He went out of the gate , wondering what the rest of the unit had been doing .
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