Example sentences of "[pron] see it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So it 's not the six thousand figure , that that 's not really relevant as I see it to the debate about the forecast because that was simply a partial opening the bypass .
2 Er I think that , that my recollection of the last meeting was that if we could just knock together a Northumberland newsletter a unison newsletter that 's quite clearly coming from the three organizations that represent the membership in Northumberland it would be better than th this national stuff has one union on it , as I see it at the moment .
3 My business statement every week is based on the position as I see it at the time and we have organised matters at the time .
4 I know that 's not the received wisdom of the profession at the moment but that 's the way I see it at the moment .
5 I see it as the ultimate gesture . ’
6 In fact , as things stand I see it as the only course for you to take …
7 I see it as the so to speak Preface to the Prolegomena !
8 He said : ‘ I have been waiting for the last three years for an opportunity like this and I see it as the right time in my career to take it .
9 But erm so , so it 's difficult to know exactly what 's happening now , and unless I see it in the office .
10 I said as soon as I see it in the paper oh that looks nice .
11 Because I see it from the outside ?
12 Yeah it is a sixty , you see it on the top do n't you ?
13 ‘ It looks kind of more graceful when you see it from the ground . ’
14 You 'd be surprised how beautiful the other side of Koraloona is when you see it from the sea . ’
15 As Robert Spencer Bernard , barrister and part-time farmer of wild boar for several years on his Buckinghamshire estate , said : ‘ A tiger is a tiger whether you see it in the London Zoo or in the Indian forests , but with a wild boar the argument is n't so simple . ’
16 Catchy slogans and jingles Words and phrases that stick in your mind may well prompt you to buy a product when you see it in the supermarket .
17 You see it in the set of his face and the obdurate , awkward dignity with which he carries his body — thick set and strong above the two prostheses — aluminium under the trouser-legs , steel behind the smile , pained concentration in the eyes .
18 Then , for the main course , she chose the steak-and-kidney pie , dripping gravy down her horrible blouse ( it 's the sort of blouse that when you see it in the shop you wonder how the shopkeeper intends to dispose of it because no one in their right mind would ever dream of swapping cash for it ) .
19 Everybody was impressed , it was a glorious day like this you know so the Clyde looks so beautiful when you see it in the , in , in a , in weather like this you know .
20 Make sure you see it in the shop properly erected and test it out by rocking it back and forth ( as a toddler would ) to see how much it would stand before falling over .
21 You see it in the best maitre d'or concierge .
22 The point about the shop is that erm it sells things on a medieval theme and more specifically it has we have this undertaking that if you see it in the house , you can buy it in the shop .
23 You see it in the neon strips that colour the city , the flashing lights on every corner .
24 You see it in the crisp industry , they 're all
25 We started using it and interestingly enough that typeface is really popular now , you see it in the United States everywhere , it 's all over the place .
26 In crude terms the debate divides between those who see the Green Belt as an essential bastion against untrammelled growth in areas of development pressure , and those who see it as the source of many of the problems facing such areas .
27 The experimental context in which the behavioural understanding of cognition developed involved such a presupposition : we understand the rat 's or the pigeon 's behavioural repertoire because we see it in the context of a physical layout that we take as given .
28 We see it in the fundamentalism of Shiite Islam , where blind faith sends thousands of people to a pointless war .
29 We see this in the increasing influence of the new Ecology Movement , in the power of the Gaia theory , in the efforts of established religions to come to terms with their part in dealing with these issues ; and much more humbly , but much more universally , we see it in the increased attention that so many of us are now paying to the ways we celebrate the beauty and diversity of life on Earth .
30 Plants have little specific focus for mind energy , such as we see it in the brain and central nervous system of insects and higher species .
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