Example sentences of "[pron] never go [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Why could I never go about arm in arm with two or three others and stare at girls ?
2 I never go up street did they ?
3 ‘ I 'd like to , ’ said Zach , ' but I never go to church so it 'd be a bit strange if I sing in it , wo n't it , me not even being a Christian . ‘
4 I never go to sleep with food in my stomach .
5 I never go to bed with the people I love .
6 I never go in changing rooms , because I 'm not prepared for people to say , ‘ Oh , look at her leg ! ’
7 And then , I never went to sleep but I went sleepy but not did n't actually sleep .
8 Well er School , but I never went to school not un , at five .
9 That 's how it was , I never went to school proper .
10 And I never went to hospital because me cousin was a nurse who 'd er you know got married and so she er proffered to nurse me which she did and er the then er health people in allowed me to stay at home because of this you see and I was at home and er that was in nineteen sixteen .
11 I never went to drama school , ’ he would say without a hint of regret , ‘ but learnt my craft the hard way . ’
12 ’ You would n't believe the sufferings of scarlet women , Mr. K. George and I never went on holiday together .
13 I never went near Boundary Drive , ’ repeated Marcus , a little recovered now .
14 Like most of the other women in the refuge , she never went on holiday after she was married , never went to the pictures and rarely went out .
15 You never went to university !
16 Always told yer mother you never went to bed early enough . ’
17 You never go to church and you 're not very charitable . ’
18 Children who never went to school at all would pick up quite a lot of immediately useful knowledge ; from television and radio , moreover , they might acquire quite a lot of not obviously useful , relatively esoteric bits of information , about history , for example , or natural history .
19 Of course , there were always the others who never went to school , who never declared themselves , but lived out their lives very privately , avoiding the school officer , the rent man , the army , and sometimes even prison .
20 Billy , the Havildar-Major , was a tiny , wizened man , always smiling and very devout , who never went to sleep without first singing softly to himself all three verses of ‘ Jesus loves me , this I know ’ .
21 I 've met old men who never went to sea .
22 An even greater criticism is that the vast sums spent should have been spent elsewhere , especially in missionary efforts among the growing number of Englishmen who never went to church or chapel .
23 Hugh , who never went to church , adopted a tone of peculiar reverence when faced with the old man whose cassock showed traces of tomato sauce .
24 We all sang it with all our hearts — even those of us who never went to church .
25 As a ‘ whitey ’ who never went to college , here are some of my opinions .
26 That 's right , she said Margaret never goes , I said well we never go for lunch out , we hardly ever really
27 From thousands of prisoners , thirty men elected to join him ; they never went into action .
28 But they never went to church , as far as she knew .
29 People whose parents baptised them into the Roman Catholic Church will probably be counted as Catholics all their lives — even if they never go to church ; for people to be counted as Baptists , however , they will have to have expressed a strong commitment to their faith and to have undergone adult baptism .
30 They drink all day and they never go to church — ’
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