Example sentences of "[pron] 're not going to have " in BNC.

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1 I did n't want him to hit the driver because accuracy was the key to this hole , and I said , ‘ You 're not going to have it . ’
2 " But you 're not going to have her put in prison , m'dear Andrew , are you ? "
3 So one person will do the bandage on the elbow and the other person with the good looking knees , you 'll be the casualty for where you 've got to put the knee bandage on , cos you wo n't , if you do n't roll your trousers up a bit you 're not going to have much bandage to do much bandaging with on the knee , okay , so decide amongst yourselves who 's got the good looking knee
4 Do n't look at the whole answer and then cover it up again and think right okay that 's a start and then try and do all I mean you 're not going to have the book to help you in the exam .
5 Okay so some are quite easy some of them you 're not going to have much problem with at all .
6 Because you 're not going to have to go back on many of the things .
7 Er it 's up to you I mean if your results I mean you 're not going to have loads and loads of results .
8 As long as you do them fairly regularly , you 're not going to have any problems as far as erm
9 Well if you 're not going to have anything else to eat you better have some medicine .
10 Come on , you 're not going to have them in there , are you ?
11 Well get down and get your jarmies on and then you can get back up there otherwise , if we do n't get them on , and when daddy 's ready to go you 're not going to have time to go and see your other nanny
12 ‘ You keep saying that , ’ she chided as we cleared the table , ‘ I hope we 're not going to have another Peasants ’ Revolt . ’
13 I know in advance that we 're not going to have that kind of luck but it 's worth a try .
14 We 're not going to have to wait much longer to learn which country and town have won AST Research Inc 's long-promised European personal computer plant .
15 There 's no point in phoning , nobody else 's mother will be phoning , they 're all allowed to stay without any of this fuss , I 'll just look like a complete idiot , and anyway , what do you think 's going to happen , we 're not going to have an orgy or anything . ’
16 It would have been nice actually if somebody had said , we 're not going to have quality management , we 're going to have uck management .
17 then we 're not going to have much to talk about then .
18 I think that people do n't want to see any more constitutional changes , but there are many more changes in the culture , in the way the Party operates at local , regional , and national level , which we will be addressing , but what we 're not going to have is more constitutional changes , because people feel that we 've made changes , we have moved the Party forward , we 're clear the direction we 're going in , and now the Party at all levels wants to address itself not only to building our membership , but also to showing how the policies we 've got meet the changed world outside .
19 We 're not going to have people are not going to have the choice about whether they buy a house or rent privately or wish to be on the council housing list , we 're going to force them off .
20 We 're not going to have anything for tea tonight are we ?
21 We 're not going to have
22 We 're not going to have cover page proofs until November .
23 Make them understand that they 're not going to have it all their own way .
24 Some women certainly will sail through menopause with never a hot flush and no problems at all , sadly that 's no indication that they 're not going to have problems from their bones later on .
25 In response , the largest bird importer in the US , A.A. Pare , has argued that " What we 're doing is salvaging the birds … if they stay in the jungle , they 're not going to have it in the next five years …
26 There 's no way they 're not going to have heard of him so it all depends on how he reacts to the other prisoners , ’ one prison source said .
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