Example sentences of "[pron] 're [verb] out for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Imagine living in a country where the cops are all people who 're cut out for the job . ’
2 You 're holding out for a wedding-ring , ’ he said flatly .
3 You need to be very familiar with the text , you ca n't learn it word-for-word for goodness sake , but you certainly are able to identify all the key issues and key aspects of it and that 's what you 're looking out for , so you could re-tell the story again , you can re-tell the story again yourself accurately , identifying all the key points .
4 ‘ Every client I treat usually loses at least an inch — so it 's ideal if you 're going out for the evening and want to wear a specially tight outfit . ’
5 Right , that 's why you 're going out for the whole evening , for the water eh ?
6 The decision makers we 're screaming out for .
7 Is n't it awful to think your legs decide what your retirement 's going to be , but they do , more or less , so that if you th if you think a if you 've ever had any trouble with them you 'll realize , people say , you know , would you , we 're going out for the day , you coming ?
8 look it does n't matter now because we 're going out for some milk , here
9 Monday we 're going out for dinner .
10 Has Mum told you that we 're going out for a Chinese ?
11 These friends from up north are coming for the weekend , so we 're going out for the weekend
12 We 're crying out for a replacement for Gary Lineker , ’ said Horton , ‘ and a front two of Bull and Shearer does n't sound bad to me .
13 ‘ And what kind of dybbuk informs their victim that they 're slipping out for a little coffee-break or whatever ? ’
14 It 's very good good erm good thing for the party and they 're usually quite starved of practical campaigning ideas and so we regularly try every at least every year to go and do a tour and erm we 've been giving them we we 're trying to rope them in on the various activities because they 're crying out for
15 Look , they 're coming out for play time .
16 And that 's all now so Val said she said I said to Cheryl now do n't you go and take Mervy away cos me and Ken certainly are n't gon na go and sit sit with erm the 's all dinner time so she said what they 're gon na do , they 're going out for the meal and everything and then they 're Ken are gon na go to Cheryl 's for the rest of the day So I said so that 's upset your plans then Val she said is n't it just !
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