Example sentences of "[pron] 're [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The truth is , Ah suppose , if ye 've got a berg sailin' down on ye and ye 're trapped in the ice there 's no thickness of steel that will save ye from gettin' crushed .
2 Well when you 're elected as a councillor , you 've got provision for three years , that 's right , I got re-elected after three years , after three months there they changed their minds and decided to put er , a labour council in , so I mean .
3 So , instead of thinking that you 're cursed with a problem , consider yourself lucky to be able to grow the staggeringly large and varied range of Mediterranean , South African , Australian or even British plants which love an arid home .
4 So in other words you 're covered by the , well you 're covered by both the Sale of Goods Act and the Trade Descriptions Act .
5 Do n't , do n't lose the basic utility of the system , they 're because you 're irritated by a form that has no , no relevance to you .
6 IT CAN get a bit nippy even when you 're huddled around a flaming bonfire .
7 You 'll notice at sixty five that the allowances go up , and the er by getting to sixty five you 're rewarded by a larger personal allowance and a larger married couple 's allowance , but that starts to be abated at fourteen thousand two hundred .
8 This ingenious device ensures power is switched off whenever the bulb is removed so there 's no risk of electrocution — a comforting thought when you 're balanced on a stool , fitment in one hand and replacement bulb in the other .
9 Although Fleetwood Mac were a rock band , and you 're regarded as a rock guitarist whatever else you do , you 've always made ‘ left turns ’ along the way …
10 ‘ And I can also see why you 're regarded as a holy terror in the commodity-broking world . ’
11 Even I mean the Bible says , once you 're in Christ you 're ruined for the world .
12 It says in somewhere in the King James ' version , you 're ruined for the world .
13 Passing your driving test is a cause for celebration for most people , but when you 're paralysed from the waist down , it can mean your freedom and independence .
14 But when the judge does n't ask you to plead , and you 're not guilty , you 're treated like a person who 's sent to prison for a crime that she has n't committed .
15 But ca n't you see how you 're defined by the situation you 're in ?
16 people start throwing stuff at you , developing a whole new topic and you 're lost from the start .
17 So if you take a hundred gallons on a day meter , you 're charged for a hundred gallons of water going out as sewage , er the Anglia rate is is is double ours for sewage .
18 If you 're faced with a slippery floor problem , it is inexpensive these days to get exhibition contractors to supply some cheap carpeting and you may want to investigate this option .
19 Shopping for skin care products seems simple enough — until you 're faced with a barrage of scientific-sounding ingredients .
20 Add to that the rather sassy backdrop which screams ‘ NORTHERN SCUM ’ and you 're faced with a top pop northern night out .
21 I mean at the moment of choice you 're faced with a set of people , including , let's say , one man and one woman , who on paper match each other and who perhaps , even if you 've adjusted for a possibility of the woman 's having to fight and so on , they 're equal on paper .
22 Imagine you 're faced with the choice of making a payment in cash lump sum or in a series of equal instalments .
23 The call the night before : Mohammed ca n't fly tomorrow , his gland has come up again , anyway , he mentioned your name , said you 're rated for the 35 , wonder if you could make it £200 cash and your exes ?
24 Certain health conditions ( heart asthma , diabetes and epilepsy ) create dangerous conditions when you 're dunked into the water unexpectedly .
25 You 're summoned for a number of offences the first of which is that on the twenty first of June nineteen eighty eight you , on the public road namely Acrington Road Worley , used a mechanically propelled vehicle when there was no excise licence in force .
26 now when you 're crumpled after a cold
27 But if you for example you 're born on the sixteenth of the month then that 's generally when it would be paid on the sixteenth .
28 You 're born under the sign of Mars , a person born to rise to all sorts of challenges . ’
29 You know , if you 're shut in the car
30 No good saying , trying to pick and choose cos you get what you 're given in the end
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