Example sentences of "[pron] 've just [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 I 've just seen a tape of the BBC 's The Gospels , produced by Jack Emery , which is being shown every day during Easter week .
2 Well , I 've just seen a new way forward
3 Mm , it 's alright I 've just seen a , a woman er passing a three wheeler on the pavement here , wheel chair and she was doing quite a bit of a speed , I was just gon na get my , my my speed checker
4 I 've just seen a big crane .
5 Right , okay , my boudoir , I 've just seen a few things together .
6 I 've just sent a cable to the club : list of delegates expected for the next week 's visit — does that sound okay ?
7 ‘ Then imagine I 've just scored a century for your side , ’ Cora-Beth said with a husky little laugh .
8 I 've just built a spreadsheet to show how much we spent on subscriptions in 1991/92 and 1992/93 .
9 I 've just completed a 16,000 mile trip around the US , carrying a Dell notebook that weighed about 7lb , and believe me , the difference is impressive .
10 I 've just met a pig .
11 I I 've just received a fax of a letter sent to the leader of Liverpool City Council , coun er councillor Harry Rimmer by the right honourable member for Sutton Coldfield , in which he invites him to join an organisation called team two thousand er and as part of this invitation he 's invited to attend functions and briefings at Westminster , er at which cabinet m er ministers ministers e cabinet members ministers members of parliament , will be present .
12 I 've just received an important telex .
13 So I 've just made a note , the next C S N T , I 'll in the report back from the staff consultative committee , there 's two or three things we need
14 I 've just made a note for the employer 's thing Jayne .
15 I 've just made a huge investment in this station and you call it a stunt ? ’
16 I 've just made a cuppa .
17 Erm there have been erm , I should have written it down actually because I 've I 've just gone a complete blank , there was that erm that famous case in the States ah and there were two people who 'd erm I think the main impetus for the abuse of their child came from the came from the man came from the husband and there was a great deal of er debate as to why the woman had n't successfully protected the child or successfully done something about it er and I 've forgotten the names of the people and I 've forgotten when it was .
18 ‘ Well , I 've just done a week at Battersea Arts Centre with this blues band called The Dolphins , who I play with quite regularly now .
19 I 've just done a show a touring show , for the Arts Council which opened recently in Kendel having been in Cambridge , Swansea and Liverpool .
20 What you wan na do is I 've just done a seven day report on the er on hazard spotting etcetera etcetera etcetera and all the different surveys we 've had on the site over the past month .
21 But now I 've just done a refill .
22 I 've just swallowed a bluebottle !
23 I 've just spent an hour and a quarter waiting for him not to be here . ’
24 However , I 've just spent an interesting few minutes with my nose in line with the needles , gingerly winding the transfer carriage along with the ribber on half pitch — all in the interests of this article you understand , while hoping I would n't damage the transfer needle !
25 I know what I 've got the find , oh god it 's alright , I 've just taken a look in here it 's like a bomb !
26 I 've just taken an aerobics class and did n't have time to change . ’
27 I 've had to , this cupboard 's because it 's got cutlery and the plates and that , so I 've just put a piece of er material over it .
28 She wants this doll , well Julie got it yesterday and said I phoned up , she said you 've got ta listen to this she said I 've just put a battery in when you want to hear it cry .
29 For their telephone number I 've just put a question mark and I 've put a note here to say I was internally transferred .
30 And I mean we , quite obviously , we get them involved with er school trips , as a matter of fact , I 've just organised a er thing I 've got here at the moment organised a er trip must be a good one must n't it !
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