Example sentences of "[pron] 've [adv] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 And I 've already explained to you how I would arrange things . ’
2 I 've already explained to you how I 've worked myself into the ground setting up the interview .
3 I 've already seen to that , ’ said Jill .
4 I 've already referred to this syndrome .
5 We 've already referred t I 've already referred to a bit of this , in my er discussion with regard to the access to the er nature reserve .
6 And er I 've already referred to a byproduct of over-provision that sites are then moved on to sh car showrooms and erm supermarkets which are needs which or demands which would probably not have justified the allocation of the land for industry in the first place but once the land is allocated to industry it seems to be thought that no harm would be done by allocating those to something else .
7 Because I 've already written to Atkins cos that 's in the newsletter .
8 doing their own I just take the letters I 've already written to other people change one sentence and change the er name on
9 ‘ Thank you , I 've already spoken to Dr Mason .
10 Cadogan says ferried to question this man till he 's dry , question him to death if necessary , but I 've already spoken to him for hours .
11 I promised in my five minute address last year that I would be a listener and I 've already listened to many of your views over the last twelve months and indeed today .
12 I 've already talked to Paula about this , ’ Grace said sternly .
13 I 've already talked to his manager , Barry Hearn , and we believe Herbie has earned his right to challenge Lennox .
14 They 're fixing one on Monday so I can see it but I 've already talked to other people who 've done it and they 're so popular .
15 ‘ I can cope with even the most difficult calving case , as I 've already proved to quite a few doubtful farmers . ’
16 The only other thing I have to put to you is this that I 've already put to er what we allege went on in that bedroom .
17 It 's just that I 've already mentioned to someone else , and if they ca n't go , then I 'll offer it to you .
18 I mean by the piece I 'm reading you today , I 've already submitted to the B B C and if I sell it
19 So I do n't think I 've ever I 've had it for about eight months now and I do n't think I 've yet listened to all five in a row without changing it .
20 Cos I 've since spoke to God Mr Chairman .
21 They were the workers and er they sort of opened their kitchen up , or the back scullery , they went round to the local butcher scrounging and begging meat , to the greengrocers for peas , parsnips , carrots , you name it it all went into this big huge copper , which I 've previously described to you as a washing copper , and they boiled all this soup up and we kids used to take the a jug and er we had to find the biggest jug we could , in the house that we could get , well the biggest jug we ever had was the wash-hand stand that was in the bedroom , that 's the wash-hand stand jug .
22 An interesting situation which I 've just explained to Ann , whereby at the weekend there 's a set of offices in the Strand Theatre which the company that we 're operating from there so stopped
23 I 've just seen to it that .
24 It 's for those reasons , sir , that the City Council feels that it can no longer support the proposed proposals for new settlement , just to come to your question about the issue of scale , I am not able to define what er small is in P P G three , it 's obviously been left deliberately vague , but I would draw your attention to the Ucwetec T P A study I 've just referred to which makes it quite clear in their terms that to be self contained in transport terms the nearest any settlement ne really needs to be in excess of twenty thousand people .
25 as far as the committee was concerned there is they 've taken a decision on the preferred route , but we did as I 've just referred to in the earlier work , er we did assess that erm and that showed again er that the traffic would n't transfer from the A sixty one onto a southern bypass and a inner northern relief road .
26 But it is n't because I 've just said to you several times that one point two billion for a single franchise is absolutely ridiculous .
27 I 've spoken to Angela and Angela said , just alter the week numbers on the , on your P forty five , but as I 've just said to Neil if I do that , that is gon na throw it out for year end when I give you yo your green slip .
28 so you close him on his final objection , you listen , you then sell him his objection , right , you sell him his objection , right , you confirm his answer , right , whatever he says to you and his answer you actually confirm it back to him , you do n't interrupt him , right , you do n't guess where he 's at , right and basically if work through a system you 'll get on there , now for me to be able to , to , to , what I 've just said to you is a load of garbage , but if I was sitting I was sitting actually go through each one of these steps and that 's what you term as a closing sequence , you see what I mean ?
29 As I say , I er well I 've just said to you , I mean er we sell forty odd quids worth to blokes .
30 And then there 's this technician or something here and they ask me to breathe in helium from a mask and make me repeat some of the things gorilla man said on the video so I feel like I 'm becoming him they 're trying to make me him ; I do n't think I sound the same as the guy on the brain-snuff video but fuck knows what they think there are too many to know what the fuck they think ; loads of them , officers from all over the fucking place with different accents , London , Midlands , Welsh , Scottish , elsewhere , God knows , it 's not just Flavell and McDunn though I still see them now and again especially McDunn who looks at me kind of weird most of the time like he ca n't really believe it was me did all these things and I get this bizarre feeling that he thinks I 'm kind of pathetic I mean that in a grudging , still-determined-to-bust-the-fucker way he actually has more respect for gorilla man than he does for me because I 've just gone to pieces under the questions and the things they put in my head with those photographs and that video ( ha which means gorilla man has already put stuff into my head , already has fucked my brains , filling my head with the idea of that , the vision , the meme of that ) and I thought I was some tough cookie but I was wrong I 'm just a dunked digestive baby I 'm soft I 'm flopping I 'm disintegrating and that 's why unless I 'm the best fucking actor he 's ever seen McDunn ca n't accept I was capable of the things gorilla man did , yet so much of the evidence , especially the dates and times that sort of stuff , points at me not to mention that piece of TV-crit I did that reads like a hit-list now .
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