Example sentences of "[pron] 've [adv] [vb pp] about " in BNC.

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1 Well I 've already said about the bulk transfer Giro , I quite honestly do n't know whether any other option can be given to people , they 've given the option to defer their pension with the Post or their present scheme , transferred it new company scheme or take out er the money and take out a personal pension fund er I suppose there might be a possibility of offering people after a certain number past a certain number of years the opportunity to remain within the fund they 're in but er the contribution and who , who makes a contribution may be a problem , but that 's the only other option I can see .
2 I 've already written about it .
3 The other er bits of information of course we need to know what co I 've already spoken about the copy .
4 I 've only got eight more things to get her , I 've already spent about , I do n't know , sixty quid on her .
5 And I , I 'm going to be working from behind Denise because you all need to see , but you would be working from the front as I 've already talked about , so you need your triangular bandage , alright , and there 's your long edge , and there 's your point as we call it , a sort of elbow shaped , think of that as elbow shaped because it always goes towards the injured elbow .
6 Erm I 've already talked about there are over two hundred front end tools which access or have integration with the database .
7 Erm now I 've stuck some next things on the handout about erm some of the things I 've already I 've already mentioned about er abuse of children in history .
8 I 've not heard about that . ’
9 Oh I 've not thought about , I tell you I looked in British Home Stores they had these
10 ‘ Perhaps I 'm kind of emotionally retarded … but basically I 've just written about things how I 've felt about them , myself , emotionally .
11 It is gated open when it binds to molecules of acetylcholine , and in accord with what I 've just said about its selectivity , it 's a non-selective cation channel .
12 If you consider what I 've just said about Z scores , let's assume that there is a positive correlation because if we have a Z score of one on A , let's assume we also get a Z score of one on B. These numbers in fact ca n't happen in practice .
13 erm It 's not easy to give an example that 's brief , because of what I 've just said about the style , but I offer one very short passage here , which might or might not convey what I 'm attempting to say .
14 And I , when she 's revising she says oh I 've just done about change and theories of change .
15 Now erm how have we got er I 've next thing on the handout is something I 've stuck on about the way in which erm er well it 's what I 've just covered about the the way in which some sorts of therapies for people who 've been abused as children tend to embody rather heterosexist assumptions which has been stated by Jenny Kissinger for example .
16 I 've just heard about your husband … . ’
17 I 've just heard about a very good antique shop opening over at Warmly .
18 Erm and it 's talking about this er accommodation theory Giles ' accommodation theory which has one main assumption erm that all the things I 've just mentioned about pronunciation and speech rates and things , erm they all occur in in order to encourage more interaction between the two speakers .
19 The only thing that I 've just thought about actually is window wh in the me on the measurement side rather than anything else is that I have n't Because we 've just had those windows replaced , I have n't finished decorating around the top .
20 I 've just talked about it .
21 I 've just talked about what happens when a branch member wants to appeal but this is a branch as a whole that 's made a decision at a meeting that it does n't agree with something that 's happened .
22 Otherwise , I 've just talked about the alternative .
23 Oh I 've forgot to say under advisory committee , I , this has taken so long , I 've completely forgot about it .
24 Christina heard Robert Leyton 's angry murmur : ‘ That 's the first I 've bloody heard about expanding the resorts ! ’
25 Well seriously Cass like the only thing like that I 've ever said about you like is that one day in the classroom right there was this picture of this naked woman on the right ?
26 ‘ I do n't think I 've ever heard about this , Edna . ’
27 All right then — ’ he edged closer so that he was whispering rather than shouting over the juke-box ‘ — here 's the nastiest rumour I 've ever heard about Steenie — really nasty rumour .
28 And I always remember , now whether this is true I would n't know , and I do n't think I 've ever spoke about this before but I , thinking about it just now , it 's just struck me , I remember one chap saying , Well now if we put some barbed wire across the road about two foot high , he said , No horse will jump over barbed wire , now I do n't know I do n't suppose that 's true I do n't think it is but this chap said that .
29 But if people move on , it 's understandable , in the event that everyone moves on , and I 'm left dangling in the recording studio — then it would seem to confirm everything I 've ever thought about the cruelties of life . ’
30 I suppose you could be right and I was feeling an a er an actual blow but not something I 've ever thought about or never put into words like you know .
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