Example sentences of "[pron] own [noun sg] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Then it was the turn for my own hand to explore the anonymous member beyond the missing brick .
2 I 'll admit from the start that my own attempt to arpeggiate the Gambale way sounds more like Sooty than Sweep picking , but I console myself by thinking that I should n't let a signature model impose another player 's personality on my own style !
3 In the third lesson , pupils worked in pairs to produce their own diagram to show the rabbits .
4 If the citizens of Sheffield needed to go to Walsall , I am sure that they would do so , but they need look only to their own trust to see the remarkable progress already made .
5 They may realise also that to do so is perhaps a reflection of their own inability to create the excellent plot structure , characterisation and atmosphere of this successful series .
6 State department officials seem to have been concerned that the conference would deflect attention from their own campaign to expose the alleged use of mycotoxins by Vietnam in Laos and Kampuchea .
7 but they leave nothing to chance they 've even brought their own satellite to plot the weather …
8 While our client intends to proceed as outlined above , they reserve the right under their own discretion to modify the timetable and sequence of events as deemed appropriate .
9 In addition , it is worth recalling that adults have always made a scapegoat of each newcomer to the mass media — cheap novels , comics , radio , films and now television and video nasties — for their own failure to produce the ‘ perfect ’ youngsters of an imagined utopia .
10 How many of these telephones were installed remains unknown , but after the revolution many Romanians who had telephones ( a small minority of the population , of course ) ripped open their own apparatus to find the hidden microphones .
11 But Brook supporters have decided to hit back by staging their own demonstration to support the centre 's work .
12 If local authority members are responsible for providing services but do not have to go to their own electorate to raise the money to pay for the services , they have less incentive to make effective use of these funds .
13 The list of the champions is headed once again Bexhill-on-Sea , who beat their own record to win the Sir Thomas Pike Trophy with a net total of £28,497 .
14 Even what appears to be what Adam Smith called an " offensive " combination — one which " without any provocation … combine of their own accord to raise the price of their labour " — may turn out to have been workers taking advantage of a temporary shift in the labour market to restore previously enjoyed conditions of employment .
15 Spokesmen for the Chamorro government stressed that a small group of officers had acted on their own authority to ship the missiles , which included Sam-7s and Sam-14s and which had been used to shoot down Salvadorean army aircraft on Nov. 23 and Dec. 4 .
16 It must of course be realised that any funding organisation may wish to appoint their own solicitor to handle the case , particularly if a trade union is involved , but as always , the client 's interests must come first .
17 Therefore , they decided to put their energy into a battle they could only lose , and not just because of television but also because they did so little on their own account to improve the cinemas , and to provide an environment which would lure potential audiences away from their increasingly comfortable homes .
18 Although the centrally devised programme which all elementary schools then followed was not abolished until 1926 , the freedom given to state school teachers to devise their own methodology to suit the school 's particular needs was a radical innovation .
19 This time , however , his dozen men engulfed by thousands of Highlanders , Molloy was forced to surrender , on favourable terms , the victorious Jacobites eagerly seizing his stock of food and then using its own gunpowder to demolish the barracks ; the resulting ruins remain to this day .
20 The failure to arrive at an agreement sufficiently alarmed the District to establish its own sub-committee to examine the District 's future relationships with the Cambridge Board and LEAs in the region .
21 It was reported on Dec. 27 that Serbia had introduced its own currency to replace the Yugoslav dinar .
22 This means primary care needs to continue to develop its own capacity to question the decisions that are being taken .
23 The signals coming from Spaak and others may in the end have led Britain to underestimate the determination of the Six and to overevaluate its own ability to pull the OEEC states , including the Six , round to its own viewpoint .
24 Five years after the NEDC/MSC report Training and Enterprise Councils ( TECs ) were launched , with an emphasis on the need to provide a meeting-ground for several interests : " Each TEC will shape its own agenda to reflect the special economic and social needs of the area .
25 Each generation created its own myth of stability and fastened upon disorderly juvenile elements in its own culture to prove the thesis .
26 Each design studio then uses its own software to extrapolate the changing shape of the object as it moves between the key positions .
27 The society , which claims wide support in the Commons and the Lords , will campaign against embryo research and aim to introduce its own amendment to reduce the time limit for abortion to 18 weeks .
28 So mestizo culture — reluctant to let go of tradition — created its own deity to host the yearly handout .
29 A boiler has its own thermostat to control the water temperature .
30 After a consultation , colour is applied and the client is given her own clock to time the development .
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