Example sentences of "[pron] own [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 ( The Siege of Troy is available in the same series and is my own favourite of the three , with Helen , Menelaus , Hector and Achilles , and Memnon with the ‘ dark cloud ’ of his warriors from countries so hot that men 's skins are burnt black and nothing is white about them except their teeth .
2 My own reading of the evidence is that the wide ranging family network ( Rosser and Harris 's ‘ extended family ’ ) is fast losing all functional significance and , that being so , the elementary family of conjugal pair and children is reverting to its original condition — once again it is a domestic group not a kinship group .
3 I can not think of my own knowledge of the physical world in terms of my dispositions to behave , but only as my dispositions , construed as operating in the world of which
4 I was a traitor to half the human species — my own half of the human species .
5 Criteria I 've su criteria I 've suggested narrows the geography pretty precisely but if you felt the need , the local authorities felt the need , for even further protection it does seem to me from my own experience of the Nottinghamshire precedent it is possible if if you felt so inclined and the county was to agree you could narrow it even further by naming one or two erm local authorities such a site erm should be discovered .
6 I suppose in a way , I was living out my own part of the Ziggy decadence and the Ziggy demise .
7 These particular circumstances , and the weekly necessity to define and defend rational positions , no doubt sharpened my own sense of the imminence of major educational change .
8 After a visit to such a museum I 'm always left pining for a chance to seek out my own sample of the lovely stuff .
9 I was happy in the work because of the acceptance by the government of my own interpretation of the task of public relations , namely not to be a propagandist agency acting on the assumption that the government was always infallibly right ; not only to be an information service about government policies , plans and activities ; but to be an agency interpreting the government to the people , and feeding back to the government the reactions and feelings of the people .
10 The series concluded with my own story of the W.S. Gilbert-Arthur Sullivan-Rupert D'Oyly Carte triumvirate in dramatic form , with the music of the operas between scenes of the play .
11 I quote the case of my own area of the Wirral , again not because it is unique , but rather for the very opposite reason .
12 My own understanding of the role of services in the lives of disabled people has developed , and in the light of this I have reviewed my own working practices .
13 The reason is not that I now disagree with the stance I took ten years ago , but that in this past decade my own understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit in the individual and in the Church has greatly developed , and the whole charismatic or renewal movement , then comparatively young , has matured enormously within the life of the Church at large .
14 I isolate , eliminate or exaggerate parts of a scene and create my own version of the world .
15 Furthermore , my own analysis of the Technics arrangement suggest that it is sensitive to loudspeaker impedance variations ; under some conditions the performance is worse with the subsidiary amplifier than it would be without it .
16 I feel that I can come forward now and offer my own view of the piece , and perhaps it will be a valid one . ’
17 I can not substitute my own view of the evidence , which I have not heard .
18 In a detailed study of the Stormont archives , Bew , Gibbon , and Patterson ( 1979 ) have shown that there were indeed different currents within the Stormont administration but the ones which predominated belonged to those among the ruling protestant classes who were bent on preservation of the status quo for their own purposes , including their own dominance of the protestant alliance as well as their particular sectional interests .
19 What Fleischmann and Pons needed was their own proof of the neutrons and Harwell was well equipped with the necessary measuring instruments .
20 that section engineers at M S four level er acted as project coordinators or looked after their own element of the
21 They are the means used by the writers and the early church to express their own awareness of the significance of Jesus who , as the Founder of Christianity , had been the first to discover the deep truth that God and man are one .
22 In other studies the subjects have been led unwittingly to the experimenter or by their own knowledge of the expected results .
23 Tariffs , they considered , were a matter for their own judgement at local level , and the existing simple bulk supply tariff , together with their own knowledge of the industry , were argued to be a sufficient incentive to develop off-peak sales .
24 the titles , subtitles , and their own knowledge of the topic
25 Receivers however always want to sell without giving any warranties and indemnities because their own knowledge of the business is limited and they do not want any continuing involvement with the buyer .
26 The majority of these focused on the clash ( judged from their own knowledge of the world ) between the eighteenth century and the petrochemical refinery .
27 In other words , almost all of the informants perceived incoherence in the first paragraph , when mapping the discourse model of the text world onto their own knowledge of the real world .
28 Any potential descent party would do well to dwell on this statistic and their own evaluation of the falls rather than Paul and myself .
29 Ottoman law required them to live separately in their own quarter of the town , and forbade their priests to proselytise .
30 And they both work , in their own part of the world , I 've forgotten exactly where in the United States they , they work , erm a fair bit with support groups within America and they , they 're coming to talk .
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