Example sentences of "[pron] know [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Yes I know but do you eat it or do you just put it in to flavour it ?
2 I know but do you know what , do know what I reckon
3 " But I know that kid you 've been testing .
4 ‘ I wo n't say that it 's for the school , Gowie , ’ he says , ‘ for I know that interests you not at all . ’
5 But I know that I 'm clever and I know that have it !
6 Whenever I am working with someone I know and trust I ask them for a quick trim .
7 Yeah I know and have you seen his tie ?
8 I 'd start by shooting a few people I know and making them stop digging holes in the road . ’
9 You will be angry I know and accuse me of all manner of evil things but one thing you can not accuse me of Lily is not caring for your son upon whose life I swear I love him truly and want only what is best for him .
10 No she is n't here , as far as I know or care she 's in the West Indies .
11 Yeah , you know that put it where and the money just keeps dropping out
12 You know that land I bought off the Ministry of Defence ?
13 You know that tunnel you want to dig under Siberia from Murmansk to Vladivostok ?
14 Oh South Yar you know that do you Alan , South Yardley ?
15 They 're two each , you know that do you ?
16 And cer the determination of the women , that we were n't gon na be starved back to work , we were n't gon na be forced back to work , we were n't just gon na end in chaos and some of us going back and some of us staying out , I think it was the women possibly talking to their husbands or , and just reassuring each other , you know that helped us no end .
17 And we 're going to find the person that did it you know cos last it was no , no smoking in the toilets and then there 's no smoking dope in the toilets
18 Any objective should be in step with the circumstances of the situation as you know or understand them .
19 But I do n't know quite how the Welsh mentality works you know as regards you know loyalty to one 's nation or whatever , but er no , l looking from the outside you know , I I thought it was a bit strange that sort of next door neighbours could end up you know completely opposed to each other .
20 They drew a chair and it tips forward you know and helps you up .
21 Then you 'd have eighter , or sixteener , a thirty twoer until you 'd got sixty four marbles you know and chuck them in this hole and if odd or even come out .
22 You know and trust me .
23 ‘ And then at 18 , or in my case at 17 , they take you away from everything you know and stick you in some broom cupboard of a bedsit .
24 Like there were n't any old boys on there they used to wash 'em out you know and clean them up then smoke 'em .
25 List the names of people you know and group them under different headings .
26 and Creg 's on Monday with the carpets , oh we shall have a right laugh with them two blokes , aye , they both go oh God not you again you know and do I have a
27 We 've had a good living out of it but if that same system has brought them on their feet , you know and built them nice homes er right they 've delved into Company 's House now , all the dirty water not dirty water all the whatsit has come up how much they 've drawn from these quarries .
28 You know it seemed to be that we had a working rule that had functioned reasonably well over the years and all of a sudden he was tearing up various paragraphs that did n't suit him , and altering bits you know and changing them round just to suit the company , and all to our disadvantage .
29 She said on the fourteenth , you know and give it to you then .
30 Packing them up nice you know and chocking them tight so as they would n't shift you see , when the ship was rolling .
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