Example sentences of "[pron] still [verb] in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I take on board everything that Lesley said , but I still feel in my heart that there are times when you 're dealing with people who just need to be treated almost like a child again for a while and maybe maybe it 's a good place where the legislation leaves it , better than going to a sort of situation where healthy people might get pushed into asylums or whatever , but somehow I 'm not totally happy with where we are .
2 Everybody has read about out of body experiences and I do n't know if that is what it was , but I was not frightened by the person who was looking at me and the image that I had and that I still have in my mind is that it looked like me
3 Everybody has read about out of body experiences and I do n't know if that is what it was , but I was not frightened by the person who was looking at me and the image that I had and that I still have in my mind is that it looked like me .
4 She had to wear a brace for many years before she was well enough to walk with two sticks , and I still carry in my mind the picture of her trying to walk around the room and on the landing , hobbling in her iron braces .
5 But as work continues to undo the errors of the past in the care and treatment of the mentally handicapped and plan for the future , efforts must now begin to re-educate the public and dispel the misconceptions which still abound in our society even among its higher echelons .
6 There are excursions to Albenga , a walled medieval town founded by the Romans and , further west , to San Remo which still glories in its Edwardian heyday .
7 He says , I 've been about , he said I see you still sleep in your bed , but you 're not putting them bloody pistachios !
8 This time , of course , she was not only armed with the foreknowledge of what would be said but she still had in her mind the conversation we had just had about making mistakes .
9 Her eyes strayed to the card that she still held in her hand and she almost started as she saw , written in plain bold print , a name that had featured with such regularity recently in the headlines of the business section of the local newspaper that she could not fail to recognise it .
10 She was a large woman , flushed with the exertion of constantly having to answer the door , and she still showed in her black hair , grey eyes and lovely skin , traces of her Irish forebears .
11 She still huddled in her small silent way at the top of her cage , watching the trees and sky and never looking at the Zoo , the people , or the other eagles .
12 If they still persist in their foolish attempts at destruction , set a Bloodthirster ( ROC-SD , or use the Greater Daemon profile from the WFRP rulebook ) arrive and attack .
13 They still come in their thousands every year to see the village and the famous telephone box .
14 Thinking of Lee made him remember Uncle Walter 's medals that he still had in his pocket .
15 Maybe he never was on the same intellectual plane as some of the others , but he still believed in their picture of the world .
16 He still encountered in his daily life a few who looked past the empty gaud that distracted lesser minds and longed for a revelation that would burn the tinsel away , an Apocalypse that would show the Fifth the glories it yearned for in its sleep .
17 Meanwhile , Kevin Keegan has promised defender Brian Kilcline he still figures in their plans .
18 His final decision is in favour of whichever proves stronger , but the stronger for perhaps no more than the brief spell of fullest awareness in which he decides , afterwards to be panic-stricken at having committed himself to a choice which none the less he still knows in his heart was right .
19 However , he still persisted in his arrogant objections , so I got rid of him .
20 Then he thrust his knife back into its sheath and spoke towards the gleaming skull he still held in his left hand .
21 She glanced at the screwdriver he still held in his hand .
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