Example sentences of "[pron] way [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When I fought my way up the brae and saw all the council houses I almost turned back dismissing the possibility of there being any evidence of older architecture .
2 I felt I was working my way up the ladder , and my next player was Jerry Heard , who was a real good player in the 1970s .
3 I edged along the curtain in the upstream direction of the shut door and by hauling my way up the links at the side managed to scramble round the boathouse wall and up out of the water to roll at last onto the grassy bank .
4 I begin at the foot of the column and toil my way up the page to find each story unedifyingly summarized in inch-high type .
5 I pulled myself up the safety line and made my way past the tangle of tethers up to the surface , where the boat tender was frantically pulling in all the lines .
6 I wended my way past the gentlemen , searching for glasses to replenish .
7 The fire beside the storage tent and cook-house was still burning and trays were being carried to tents and houses when I made my way across the sand wrapped in shawls against the cold .
8 I have given up all idea now of going to Kings and shall make my way across the Island as quickly as I can making a call or two on the way .
9 As I wheeled my tenth-hand push-bike through the gates of the Parsons ' large detached house and made my way across the gravel forecourt past the guests ' Volvos and Audis , I began to feel uncomfortably out of my depth .
10 I jumped up and picked my way across the table .
11 ‘ I knitted my way across the Atlantic , ’ he reveals .
12 This platform was also fast filling up , but I managed to edge my way along the wall-walk to the shade of a chattri at the south-east corner .
13 Then I buttoned myself into my grey raincoat , put on my brown felt hat , switched off the office lights and made my way along the corridor to the lift .
14 I inched my way along the wall towards the narrow opening .
15 My tiredness had now almost disappeared as I made my way along the drive of Brigade H.Q and out into the village .
16 I felt my way along the course of the oesophagus and it was perfectly clear .
17 feel my way along the page .
18 Making my way along the zigzag corridor in Car 2 , I found the bed in my single " roomette " facing the rear of the train .
19 So I wormed my way along the roadside ditch , getting torn and scratched by thorns in the process , until I judged I was opposite to where the animal lay , peaceably chewing the cud .
20 You 're walking my way with a dealer named Sport .
21 I 'd stayed with the Puseys several times , and knew my way about the flat .
22 We were expected to follow the lessons in our Bibles , with the result that I knew my way about the Bible very competently .
23 I bribed my way into a gang that I heard would be — ‘
24 I had the strange feeling I was driving back in time , groping my way into a world of Inca and Chimú people , a world of great empires that built roads and temples and forts of mud on the coast and of cut stone in the Andes , stone that was dove-tailed to resist the trembling of its foundations when the earth quaked .
25 You know I am free to gamble my way into a debtor 's prison .
26 On my way into the hotel , one of the guests said to me , ‘ What on earth was going on out there ? ’
27 Even under Edward 's guidance it proved difficult to feel my way into the texts he gave me to read .
28 ‘ No , I was trying to find my way into the garden . ’
29 I left my cases parked on the quay , and made my way into the post office .
30 I fumbled my way into the living-room and closed the door behind me before hitting the light switch .
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