Example sentences of "[pron] could see [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But Changez looked so alone — and close up I could see bits of bristle sticking out of his badly shaved face — that even I could n't laugh at him in my usual way .
2 Looking out over the crowd , I could see members of rival gangs .
3 I could see Martina down the end of the passage , aproned , with plates in her hand .
4 I could see mist over the forests below the mountains , and fog out over the North Sea .
5 The darkness intensified down in the wood though I could see stars between the boughs .
6 It may surprise you to know that I could see things from your point of view there .
7 I could see the Wood to my right and way across the Paddock I could see Waters in the Shogun patrolling the edge of the Orchard .
8 An evening with a breeze ; I could see movement in the bracken that edged the track , and cloud-shadows moved from time to time over the sea-pinks .
9 It was a moving song , and I could see people with tears in their eyes , but I kept wondering why I could n't feel anything .
10 Everyone remarked on how she 'd taken after my side of the family but I could see George in her , I was certain of it .
11 His cloak hung down like a curtain , and I could see streetlamps through the bullet holes in it .
12 I reckoned , however , that if I went back to Edinburgh , I could see Leslie for the occasional ‘ forty-eight hours ’ .
13 As we did , I could see combines in some of the fields .
14 ‘ People ask why I do n't tour round seeing the sights , but I could see sights in Australia and be warm .
15 I could see daylight through a keyhole .
16 I could see Charlotte behind him .
17 He was n't letting her in , she could see racks of magazines behind and a dark wooden counter , bare .
18 She could see lights on inside and men moving about , and as she stood there a policeman in uniform came out of the front door .
19 At the end she could see part of the ward , a gleaming parquet floor and white-painted bedsteads .
20 She could see part of Dewer Street through the half-open gate and it seemed to be deserted .
21 At other windows she could see tables with folded paper napkins and nickel plated cruets .
22 He nodded , his mouth a bitter line , but she could see acceptance in the way he bowed his dark head , and she felt deep compassion for him , for his wasted life and wasted efforts and wasted pain .
23 She could see fly across his face a whole sequence of emotions and responses .
24 She could see Dreamer through his insubstantial form .
25 Now she could see shapes beneath the water ; now there were three , no here came another one — four — silvery fish dancing in mid-air on her line .
26 She could see Dorcas in the back of the cab , explaining what various levers did .
27 She could see blood on Jack 's cheek and on his arm above the gloves .
28 The parks and main avenue were awash with trees in full blossom , and when she looked back up towards the farm she could see patches of cloudy pink where the apple trees were in bloom .
29 Out of the corner of her eye , she could see Jamie in conversation with two people she did n't recognize .
30 Short and chubby , he once said that he was the only senior Hong Kong official who could see eye-to-eye with the equally diminutive Deng Xiaoping .
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