Example sentences of "[pron] could be [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nick , ’ he continued with a tone of wry honesty in his voice , ‘ there are some mighty clever people who say I could be President of the United States three years from now , but what no one seems to realise is that I do n't care about that .
2 There is a thin strip of wasteland between the allotments and the depot which could be home to rats .
3 Nevertheless , it is apparently particularly difficult to convince councillors of the justification and effectiveness of these services , which could be life-lines to a minority of rural inhabitants .
4 Just if she 'll , you know , just if she could be friends with me still , you know , and that ?
5 I 'm sure that Ruth searches her heart , she , she may of made her decision lightly way back to go with Ruth er , to go with Naomi but not now , its a heart searching decision she makes , the choice before her , do I go back or do I go , do I go on , do I go back to Moah with its familiarity with all the things I am aware of or do I go on into the unknown with my mother in law and with her god Auper makes a choice and she goes back and Ruth had , Ruth says no and she makes the commitment and she says there , in verse sixteen , do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you , for where you go I will go and where you lodge , I will lodge , your people should be my people and your god my god and its those last few words that makes all the difference , your god will be my god , I will not be a stranger there , I will not be an alien there , I will be part of your people , and the only way she could be part of Naomi 's people was for Naomi 's god to be her god , that was the thing that kept , that was , that was the common denominated should all of Naomi 's people , because they all belonged
6 The boy who could be King after Elizabeth
7 It 's said John Wayne started his acting career as an extra , so when you next watch Inspector Morse , look out for the people of Oxford who could be stars of the making .
8 You could be part of the big day .
9 You could be emperor of the universe by now , were it not for your habit of turning your hypercritical gaze inward instead of using it to devastate others .
10 I would dispute this claim , saying that no one could be archbishop of a golf course , but Nigel showed me family records to prove his point .
11 Before the war grammar schools were distinguished by their academic curriculum , by the existence of sixth forms , from which there could be progress to university , and by the academic qualifications of the teachers ; and so , after 1944 , it was taken for granted that the grammar school ideal must be preserved in its familiar form .
12 But he believes there could be benefits for other DTI units in adopting OSO 's integrated approach to industry support .
13 Setting an example : John d'Ancona believes there could be benefits for other trade units in adopting OSO 's integrated approach to industry support
14 We could suggest that there could be beliefs of type 1 if there were beliefs which were justified by appeal to the facts and that a belief could be so justified if it was caused by the facts .
15 So I mean yo , there could be things in it that it could be left there , if there 's , but you started
16 The caution he gave regarding their use implied that , despite being water based , there could be hazard in their application .
17 What is much more interesting , I have already suggested , is the idea that there could be patterns of behaviour which human beings are entirely capable of wanting and indeed , on an individual or limited scale , of achieving , but which for biological reasons are bound to be psychologically costly , or confined to a small group of otherwise unusual individuals , or otherwise bound to fail as general social institutions .
18 They maintain that there could be circumstances in which disobedience is justified even though the law itself does not admit that it is .
19 However , in Hedley Byrne and Co Ltd v Heller and Partners [ 1964 ] AC 465 , the House of Lords recognised that there could be liability in tort for negligent misrepresentation dependent upon the establishment of a duty of care between the parties .
20 ‘ It 's possible there could be conflicts between them so we felt it was important to have discussions now . ’
21 Dening criticised the inconsistency and failure to clarify objectives on the part of the United States ; he conceded that there could be difficulties over Chinese representation in talks between the powers , given the collapse of the Kuomintang and the imminent proclamation formally of the communist government in Peking .
22 There there could be weavers amongst them .
23 The changing role of the governing body was also perceived as a key issue : as one head put it , ‘ There could be conflict over the next ten years as the governing bodies try to claim their legal rights and powers from the professionals . ’
24 Eileen Plant , who patrols outside Hurworth junior and infant school , fears there could be accidents along Roundhill Road unless some sort of parking restrictions are introduced .
25 It was of some length and contained a number of obiter dicta about the obvious gravity of the crisis through which the nation had passed , the less obvious but equally searching crisis which it still faced , the dangers of living in fools ' paradises and believing that there could be play without work , the crushing burden of debt , and the responsibilities of the wealthy classes .
26 Mr Doe insists that he is no opponent of privatisation as such and has no political axe to grind : ‘ I 'm not concerned who owns BR as such : there could be advantages in taking BR out of the public sector in terms of investment rules ’ , he said .
27 You said also that yo that there could be problems with young mothers ?
28 There could be problems of ranking priorities here , becoming more acute as full employment of labour and means of production is approached .
29 He says there could be problems on some courses .
30 He says there could be problems on some courses .
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