Example sentences of "[pron] could [be] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 It expanded at a rapid rate , the early ‘ Saucepan ’ sets being replaced by cheap transistor sets which could be operated with less expensive batteries .
2 In this case a solution was at hand , although it helped the teacher rather more than the children : it was to neglect those children working in curriculum areas perceived to be relatively unimportant ( such as art and topic work ) , to devise for them low-level activities which could be tackled with minimal teacher intervention , and to focus attention on those children who demanded it .
3 You should keep a photograph and description of each rug on record , copies of which could be lodged with your bank or solicitor as an extra precaution .
4 G. Gradually bigger blast furnaces were used , which could be integrated with larger steel furnaces with the metal passing still hot from one to the other .
5 It is true , certainly , that a number of workers who have investigated it with a view to debunking it were so impressed by the results which could be obtained with it that they became its champions instead of its detractors .
6 It includes assets which could be converted with relative ease and without capital loss into spending on goods and services .
7 Michael O'Reilly , parish priest of the hosting church , Our Lady of Good Counsel , added , ‘ I have been doing directed retreats for about fifteen years — it was good to have one in the parish which could be shared with our Christian friends from the other churches in Seacroft .
8 On each side of the hut was a round hole like a window , which could be closed with a piece of wood .
9 With this in mind , I set about designing a circuit which could be used with an existing meter ( preferably a digital type ) .
10 Private sector use of the SDR as a unit of account or the basis for international transactions has been very limited because of the absence of SDR-denominated assets which could be purchased with SDR-denominated deposits .
11 People only had political problems , which could be solved with the proper application of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thought .
12 The careers of the bourgeois world were indeed open to talent , but the family with a modest amount of education , property and social connections among others of the middle rank undoubtedly started with a relatively enormous advantage ; not least the capacity to intermarry with others of the same social status , in the same line of business or with resources which could be combined with their own .
13 Each infantry battalion and armoured regiment had to have an operational ‘ peg ’ , but much of the sting was taken out of the Sandys Reformation , as far as the Army was concerned , by many of its regiments having 2nd and 3rd battalions , which could be amalgamated with 1st battalions as National Servicemen ran out , thus preserving regimental traditions .
14 He had not been able to identify any change over the past 50 years which could be linked with the economic policy of any party .
15 Your fiancee 's lighthearted disregard for timekeeping is n't exactly an illness which could be dealt with by a GP 's prescription , but although your question was flippant she has , it seems to me , a slight personality twist which could bring her problems .
16 They considered , inter alia , the arguments in favour of a trial by jury in these cases ; whether there are types of cases which could be dealt with effectively or justly outside the criminal justice system ; and also whether there should be a properly structured system of plea bargaining with proper safeguards .
17 Hunt 's points were restored and Niki lost three , so that the position was now one which could be contemplated with some equanimity : Niki had dropped down to 52 points and Hunt leapfrogged up to 26 .
18 The Cambridge group showed that most of these radio sources must lie outside our galaxy ( indeed many of them could be identified with other galaxies ) and also that there were many more weak sources than strong ones .
19 Fiah was perhaps the only African in Tanganyika who could be compared with those behind West Africa 's press of the same period , men like Akikiwe , Danquah and Jackson .
20 In Wasim and Waqar , Pakistan had a pair of superb fast bowlers who could be compared with the best in any era of cricket .
21 I was the only one who could be charged with dereliction of duty , I Judged who I thought was the best : I selected them and then took them to my station — Warboys — where they were trained as Pathfinders .
22 He , too , took up the theme that it was unfair to encourage a person , who could be dying with each drink he took , to take more .
23 Someone who could be trusted with confidences , give advice , and yet not be constrained and influenced by being your parent .
24 However , it is worth taking the time to make a careful selection — after all , you could be living with your choice for 24 hours a day , 365 days a year , for the next 10 years .
25 If you are not ready to deal with the problem of alcohol misuse if and when it occurs , one day you could be faced with a crisis .
26 Obviously this idea has to be thought out in advance , and if your friend or family move during the winter then you could be faced with a big problem in trying to gather enough material to make an attractive and interesting picture .
27 You could be charged with obstructing the police in the execution of their duty . ’
28 In the middle , you will find a general practice , where you could be dealing with conveyancing and property work , consumer and business matters and matrimonial and housing problems .
29 But did you realise that you could be landed with a huge bill afterwards ?
30 You could be travelling with me .
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