Example sentences of "[pron] could [adv] take [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well , I looked a bit of a sight , but I thought well , well , you know , what else can I do , I mean I could n't take clothing to get changed in to .
2 " But I could n't take responsibility for them , " Mr. Mendez said .
3 ’ At first I felt I could n't take care of my own life , ’ she says , remembering a rocky past with its broken marriage , drink and drugs .
4 The simile was so striking and no doubt so apt , and one that was so delightfully Eliotish , that I could not take offence , though a critical word from that quarter could deal a heavy blow to one 's morale .
5 Louise picked out a pretty little pink dress that nobody could possibly take exception to and so honour was satisfied .
6 But he also emphasised the need for greater spending on transport and communications , science and research and development — programmes which could yet take priority over health spending under a Labour government .
7 As Lothar was still only in the lower clerical orders , those of the deacon , he had to be ordained priest , which could only take place on the ember days , so accordingly the ceremonies were delayed until Saturday and Sunday 21/22 February , six weeks after the election .
8 But today , she could not take part , she pleaded illness , she invoked Caterina , who needed her at home , she said , for she was still poorly .
9 ( Who ever heard of a mother falling so ill she could not take care of her household , whereas everywhere there were men drunk , mad , gaoled , old , worn out-who had become as children again to their wives ? )
10 Quoting from The Times , he would agree that , as applied in Poland , Marxism had created a proletariat disposed to ‘ revolutionising practice ’ inspired by those who could not take advantage of the widespread corruption through which a black economy , supported by western currency , operates to mitigate the sheer harshness of a regime of scarcity .
11 And er there was only one who could n't take part and he was in the fire brigade and could n't take part because they were er his employers .
12 You could n't take responsibility for living bodies , blood that can flow , nerves that can actually feel .
13 It was further away from the centre of London and our home , and we could easily take Magwitch abroad by boat from there .
14 Mother and I decided that in the interests of hygiene we could not take Father 's body into Chiguana , but must bury him where he lay .
15 If six men were left , we could not take control of the ship ; and because only six were left , the captain 's men did not need my help .
16 But we could only take care of little children !
17 At that point we could still take water from the aquifer , but we would have to pump it out in the same way as we would from an unconfined aquifer .
18 No one could possibly take exception to this Mathis infant .
19 His parents Kang and Bi explained how little Sheng spent his days looking out the window at the other children playing , knowing he could n't take part .
20 She was smiling , and Paul suddenly realised that he could not take money from her .
21 Now Diego was a man in years , and his strength had passed from him , so that he could not take vengeance , and he retired to his home to dwell there in solitude and lament over his dishonour .
22 He could not take refuge in a timely snooze .
23 Otto was a busy man , he could not take time off when he wanted .
24 It seemed Noah wanted the magistrate to find nothing with which he could possibly take issue .
25 In one of his rare public reflective moments , he looked back on the three women in his early life , Mud , Lorraine and June , with gratitude because they gave him a good start , independence and the belief that he could always take care of himself , come what may .
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