Example sentences of "[pron] could [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I asked him if I could rent his cottage .
2 I observed this routine the day after I learned that my services were no longer required at the Oxford International Language College , and I knew that barring an Act of God I could set my watch by it thereafter .
3 Against the farmed land , be damned , I thought , and let drive with all the most forceful arguments I could lay my tongue to .
4 If you want to have a go I could bring my violin in and you can have a go at my violin any time .
5 Alone , I could hide my inability , force myself to concentrate and to finish any given piece of work to the best of my ability , no matter how long it took me .
6 Before I could twist my face into anything faintly resembling a sneer , the vendor explained that there were four such structures in a similar state of repair and that a Frenchman had expressed great interest .
7 ‘ In fact , I could swear your image-maker wants me to come across as a free spirit , someone who does n't need the convention of a male escort — and I do n't .
8 One other point Mr Chair , if I could crave your indulgence you will er , I think you all know that Leicester City Football Club are playing this evening at Middlesbrough .
9 I could picture my mum and the nurse , who , for some reason , I had decided was Irish .
10 I picked up a pair of combat boots from a pile in the corner , found some laces , and looked at the other people wondering with whom I could swop my uniform .
11 Ah I wish I could lift my carpet up .
12 ‘ What would you say if I told you I could make your contract disappear ? ’
13 I thought that I could make my contribution by joining the Trade Union movement , and improve things from there . ’
14 Handwriting , I could make my handwriting neater , larger , I could try joining my handwriting have the letters joined , some people are still more comfortable printing in year seven .
15 I could make my mark , Miss , ’ he ventured .
16 I could watch her face as she made repeated revisions of her assessments of me of only a few moments before .
17 So when Nick advertised , I could send my novel .
18 I could n't wait for the bell to ring at four in the afternoon when class would end and I could bang my lid for the last time before running all the way down the Whitechapel Road to help out on the barrow .
19 I could tilt your opinion back the other way with other evidence : about the feminization of poverty , about women 's loss of land , the ravages of the debt crisis — of any crisis — on the most vulnerable : on the women and their children .
20 After a while I became so deep in my cups I grew surly , said I felt unwell and trotted off to bed where I could nurse my hurt as well as conceal my bad manners .
21 Yeah , I could make , I could do their hair and do their clothes and their face and I 'd get about a hundred pounds , more than that .
22 I could do his job any time but he could n't do mine .
23 I could do my world famous Trevor Brooking impression :
24 If further proof were needed , I could cite my encounter with a blind man .
25 I even found I could hold her head and pet her while she threw up .
26 ‘ I think you manage remarkably well , ’ Helen said , ‘ and the fact that you do makes me wonder if I could hold my party after all .
27 ‘ I left the car in Parson 's Green and came in by Underground so I could hold your hand all the way back . ’
28 I could smell her scent , very sharp and close , through the fog and dog smells at the foot of the lamp-post where I was sitting on the ground .
29 I could smell his after-shave .
30 He was quite determined that I was going to try and escape , and followed so close behind me on the railway stations that I could smell his breath .
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