Example sentences of "[pron] could [adv] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 That summer I could only think he was mad as he set off around the town and I dozed in the dark heat and stillness of the garden .
2 five hundred , five hundred I could only say he was n't , five o'clock last night he was no so he went to the one doctor , so to the erm what 's gon na happen when they when he , when they can go down the doctors that 's first of all go into this and after ten , twenty four hours doing this kind of thing for forty eight hours up .
3 But er , like you , I could hardly believe he 's in his sixteenth
4 No , I would n't be on the committee , no , cos I could never guarantee he 'll be home .
5 She could barely believe he could ask her such a question .
6 She could only hope he was grateful , and truly so , for all she was forced to suffer on his behalf .
7 Merrill had the distinct feeling that he had noticed her distraction and she could only hope he had n't guessed the reason for it .
8 She could only hope he 'd do the same .
9 Grainne felt her heart thudding with such a fierceness that she could almost imagine he would hear it .
10 He spoke so reasonably , so casually , that she could almost imagine he cared about her feelings .
11 She could hardly believe he had gone — he had seemed set for the night — and , to her consternation , the flat seemed empty and cold without his disturbing but magnetic presence .
12 Since the meal had come entirely from tins , she could hardly believe he was being sincere , but she merely smiled and nodded her thanks .
13 You could also say he was driven there by the railway .
14 From a distance you could never tell he was Mexican .
15 ‘ Yes , Dorothea , ’ said Isabel Lavender , her small mouth pointing the consonants , ‘ but you could hardly say he took part . ’
16 In fact , you could hardly believe he was a businessman at all .
17 ‘ Those visitors of hers always make such a lot of noise ! ’ could mean that the old gentleman wants to take his nap ; but it could also mean he feels left out and would welcome something to do .
18 And if Oreste was growing so fast it could only mean he was healthy .
19 He could hardly know he was going to get a show for his efforts , could he ? ’
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