Example sentences of "[pron] could [be] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nick , ’ he continued with a tone of wry honesty in his voice , ‘ there are some mighty clever people who say I could be President of the United States three years from now , but what no one seems to realise is that I do n't care about that .
2 There is a thin strip of wasteland between the allotments and the depot which could be home to rats .
3 I 'm sure that Ruth searches her heart , she , she may of made her decision lightly way back to go with Ruth er , to go with Naomi but not now , its a heart searching decision she makes , the choice before her , do I go back or do I go , do I go on , do I go back to Moah with its familiarity with all the things I am aware of or do I go on into the unknown with my mother in law and with her god Auper makes a choice and she goes back and Ruth had , Ruth says no and she makes the commitment and she says there , in verse sixteen , do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you , for where you go I will go and where you lodge , I will lodge , your people should be my people and your god my god and its those last few words that makes all the difference , your god will be my god , I will not be a stranger there , I will not be an alien there , I will be part of your people , and the only way she could be part of Naomi 's people was for Naomi 's god to be her god , that was the thing that kept , that was , that was the common denominated should all of Naomi 's people , because they all belonged
4 The boy who could be King after Elizabeth
5 You could be part of the big day .
6 You could be emperor of the universe by now , were it not for your habit of turning your hypercritical gaze inward instead of using it to devastate others .
7 I would dispute this claim , saying that no one could be archbishop of a golf course , but Nigel showed me family records to prove his point .
8 Before the war grammar schools were distinguished by their academic curriculum , by the existence of sixth forms , from which there could be progress to university , and by the academic qualifications of the teachers ; and so , after 1944 , it was taken for granted that the grammar school ideal must be preserved in its familiar form .
9 The caution he gave regarding their use implied that , despite being water based , there could be hazard in their application .
10 However , in Hedley Byrne and Co Ltd v Heller and Partners [ 1964 ] AC 465 , the House of Lords recognised that there could be liability in tort for negligent misrepresentation dependent upon the establishment of a duty of care between the parties .
11 The changing role of the governing body was also perceived as a key issue : as one head put it , ‘ There could be conflict over the next ten years as the governing bodies try to claim their legal rights and powers from the professionals . ’
12 It was of some length and contained a number of obiter dicta about the obvious gravity of the crisis through which the nation had passed , the less obvious but equally searching crisis which it still faced , the dangers of living in fools ' paradises and believing that there could be play without work , the crushing burden of debt , and the responsibilities of the wealthy classes .
13 Is there not concern that there could be inequity in the distribution of research funding to Welsh and English institutions ?
14 This was a worthwhile farmers ’ event and there could be merit in considering such a location as a means of educating some of those who criticise upland farming into the ways of the hills .
15 This was a worthwhile farmers ’ event and there could be merit in considering such a location as a means of educating critics of upland farming into the ways of the hills .
16 Arguing from the example of Huntingdon 's chorea , Medawar suggested that there could be selection for genetic modifiers delaying the age of onset of the effects of deleterious alleles .
17 It may be so , if it is a personal Christmas card list , for example ; but if the same modest list were to be headed ‘ suspected sympathisers with the X Party ’ ( or the Y terrorist group ) , or ‘ directors of companies believed to be trading with country Z ’ — there could be danger to those on the list if it fell into the hands of evil-minded zealots — and perhaps then the shorter the list the greater the danger .
18 Here they had to part with their horses , for of course there could be accommodation for only a few animals in this castle itself .
19 For Freud , there could be unhappiness in such highly structured societies if the values and norms did not allow the expression of instinctual energy , even though some limitation of both sexuality and destructive aggressivity is necessary in any group .
20 No one was injured but the firebrigade is worred if the spate continues there could be loss of life .
21 Even if one were to concede to McDowell that there could be traffic in simple message types before the Gricean hump , I wish to maintain that one would have to be over the hump ( or at least capable of being in such states as are involved in the hump ) before one 's language could evolve syntactic structure of the kind yielding infinite generative capacity .
22 There could be trouble from the Serbs in Bosnia and Croatia .
23 The Peloponnesians ravaged the mine district in 430 ( Thuc. ii.55 ) , but it is hard to destroy a mine without explosives , and it was not till the Spartans envisaged setting up a fort on Attic territory at Decelea ( p. 142 ) that there could be talk of seriously damaging Athens ' mining revenues ( vi.91 ) .
24 Aristotle also doubted whether there could be time without thinking beings , since he regarded time as not merely succession but ‘ succession in so far as it is numbered ’ , and nothing can be numbered unless there is someone to do the counting .
25 Certainly , there could be argument over some of these suggested rights , if only in their extent and their implementation .
26 If you feel concerned that there could be confusion between such an intermediate approval and final approvals , then apply the caveat facility in the approval agreement .
27 Cleveland Police are warning smokers to beware of offers of cheap cigarettes as they could be part of a hoard stolen from a storeroom in Morgan Drive , Guisborough .
28 So even though they could be sort of twenty five ?
29 It could be achievement of a young child who has just made something .
30 It could be video from any other analogue source such as video tape or videodisc .
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