Example sentences of "[pron] should be [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 No way , I 'm standing in a nice and warm place I do n't think I should be copying a tree anyway a trees a tree .
2 I , I have a quandary here cos I 'm not quite sure whether I should be asking a question or proposing something against the deliverance but I have attended and er listened to a number of debates arising out of this matter of er the baptism of children and time and again it 's struck me that it starts off about baptism but it turns out to be a discussion about the parents .
3 Hopefully I should be having a car soon .
4 I should be having a car soon anyway .
5 The Criminal Law Revision Committee took the view that the phrase ‘ without consent ’ was a legal term which should be given a highly circumscribed interpretation .
6 Dr Anne Rodway , of the BMA 's medical ethics committee , said : ‘ Nobody should be offered a test without comprehensive counselling . ’
7 you should be given a chance to state your case
8 one or two odd things that you get wrong sometimes like when you should be using a C or a K or a C K or
9 You should be having a rest . ’
10 So at this juncture you should be making a copy of bar one and calling it bar three .
11 I think actually you should be allowed a house , You know for a .
12 You should be decorating a high-class bordello . ’
13 She should be given a generous financial settlement — on condition that she does not sell her memoirs of life among the royals .
14 They would not let her speak at table and made her wear a white canvas apron and a short gown ‘ so that she should be held a fool ’ ; but , said Margery with unholy self-satisfaction , ‘ she was held in more worship than they were , wherever they went ’ .
15 I 'm going delirious , she thought , and knew she should be making an effort to get herself back together again .
16 Using the personal food and drink audit we should be seeking a new balance in our diet that will provide us with all the essential nutrients that our bodies need .
17 Indeed in recent years the CNAA have suggested that the term ‘ non-standard ’ should no longer be used , since this implies a standard from which other students are deviating ; instead we should be considering a range of qualifications , all of which may be suitable as preparations for entry to higher education .
18 We should be building a side around him — not giving him away .
19 If his suggestion is yet another example of the well-thought-out policies of the Labour party , we should be given a carefully calculated costing of such a proposal before it is introduced in such a casual manner .
20 Reg Davis , Wimbledon 's commercial manager , added : ‘ If damage was caused , then it is only right that we should be sent a bill for the repairs .
21 Even so , as Arnold Freeman argued in Boy Life and Labour ( 1914 ) if it were not for the admittedly frail system of compulsory schooling , ‘ we should be manufacturing a race of hooligans who would make our existing civilisation an impossibility ’ .
22 Their reaction was predictable : ‘ One expects them to groan , though I do n't know quite why we should be seeing a piece as it was performed 50 years ago .
23 We should be spending a great deal of our time making children into heroes , identifying good work , putting good examples of work on display and bringing it to the attention of others .
24 If Britain were to make such a gesture we should be doing an international service .
25 Right , okay , erm , there 's no mention of whether we should be keeping a copy of the final and I feel that we should have that in one of our procedures somewhere .
26 If we were to hold that the division of a final hearing into parts deprived the parties of an unfettered right of appeal , we should be placing an indirect fetter upon the ability of the court to order split trials .
27 Does not that mean that we should be putting a great deal more money into such research or is it to remain the Cinderella of medicine for ever ?
28 or not w w we should be having a bridge or a
29 And I think for what we 're paying we should be having a wee bit er , the dir , the building should be a looking a wee bit more respectable and presentable to what it is !
30 If you put the cassettes on there although we should be having a new system
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