Example sentences of "[pron] may be [vb pp] at " in BNC.

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1 Later insulae , considerable remains of which may be seen at Ostia , were built of concrete and brick and could rise to four or five storeys .
2 I think the particular point about the two month rule which may be extended at the discretion of the director , which obvious taking his discretion away , I do n't think that 's a standing order
3 In addition , a sharply progressive personal tax system will make dividends a relatively unattractive source of income for the marginal tax payer compared to capital gains which may be taxed at a flat rate .
4 There is thus a proliferation of public examinations of a practical kind , any of which may be taken at the new schools , of which the GCSE seems to be only one , if it is to be taken at all .
5 The " putting together " signified by the heading to this category is a skill which may be needed at all or several stages of study , from the formulation of plans or an enquiry up to the creation of a product …
6 Two main types : ( i ) Operations Research models , which are an abstraction of real systems or processes which are used to represent the basic variable and constant features of the reality , so that its behaviour or process can be explored , explained and simulated ; ( ii ) Macroeconomic and econometric models which may be used at a company level , or at a more general industry or economy level .
7 As secretary of the Federation , it will be my duty to report the facts to its Central Council and I shall , advise them that it will be their duty to issue an order to all Seamen 's unions throughout the world and the dockers and other transport workers that they must refuse to recognise the members of any local union of seamen which may be established at the Port of Southampton or elsewhere .
8 But the important point here I think , is that this is a corporate , or may be a corporate res responsibility , and therefore my understanding is that the officers are going to look at those parts which may be looked at as a corporate responsibility , and I would therefore erm , assume that one would look at all the C A B services in that light .
9 There are other ways of getting non-controversial private members ' bills through which may be looked at , including the Scottish Grand Committee .
10 While the Z-parameters relevant to low-frequency operation may be obtained from static characteristics , they may be determined at any frequency by measuring certain small signals of the network under suitable open-circuit conditions .
11 It works particularly awkwardly for married women at any age , since they may be employed at quite a different level from their husbands , or not at all .
12 The Dutch cheeses Edam , Gouda and Leiden all belong to this group , although they may be sold at varying stages of maturity and the older examples will be harder in texture .
13 For the crucial characteristic of these tests is that they may be taken at any time , according to the readiness of the student .
14 In the larger clinics the two may run concurrently , in the smaller they may be held at different times during the week .
15 Her feelings for him may be guessed at from a text she wrote decades later , after Gustave 's death .
16 A fixed date summons , originating application , petition or appeal should be served not less than twenty-one clear days before the return day , but on the plaintiff satisfying the district judge by affidavit that a defendant is about to remove , it may be served at any time before the return day ( Ord 7 , r 10(5) , Ord 3 , rr 4 – 6 ) .
17 It may be run at other time during the working day on specific instruction .
18 While the Bond is intended as a medium to long term investment , it may be encashed at any time .
19 It may be said at once that these questions can not be answered with complete certainty .
20 It may be said at once that the earlier date , adopted by the the editor of the Istanbul edition of Asikpasazade and Danismend , may safely be ruled out , not only through the evidence of Molla Yegan 's involvement with Molla Gurani but also on the basis of an anecdote about him related in the tenth volume of the history by Kemalpasazade ( d. 940/1534 ) .
21 It may be said at once that of these dates the most inherently improbable is the last , that given by the later Turkish tradition .
22 It may be said at once that the doctrine of tenure , as developed in England , made it difficult , if not impossible to regard either [ the tenant ] or his lord as the owner of the land itself .
23 The contract for supply is for five years , after which it may be renewed at the option of Manicmotors .
24 If your father dies and you are helping your widowed mother with these matters , you can assure her that not only will she not lose her own retirement pension , but that it may be paid at an increased rate after her husband 's death .
25 It may be held at that important time of the first anniversary of the death , and is thus at the time when the people most bereaved may be thinking of re-engaging in life .
26 The side kick is a very good kick to use against areas of the body with a hard bony consistency , such as the knees , although it may be directed at any area of the body .
27 The number of pregnancies that do not produce a viable infant but end in miscarriage , induced abortion or stillbirth or , of those that result in a live born baby with serious health impairment , can not be reliably assessed but it may be put at a much larger figure .
28 It may be provided at Sunday school but I would think that the average Christian parents have the same feeling of unease about discussing faith with the children as they do about discussing sex .
29 ‘ Matthew Burke , who toured Britain with the 1990 Australian Schoolboy team , is a brilliant young player and he may be used at fullback .
30 An " accommodated " child is not in care and as a general rule he may be removed at any time without prior notice .
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