Example sentences of "[pron] just as [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Right , so you fix them just as quickly as you can fix them , but if that takes nine months it takes nine months , that 's one of the views you can take on it .
2 I might not ask again until it was too late ; my native caution would betray me just as effectively as Arsenio and Osvaldo 's natural daring had subverted their judge-ment .
3 I had to give her a little reminder now and then , to stop her attempting to fly off into the wide blue yonder , by gently pulling the leash , but within two days she was coming to me just as willingly as she had on the straight creance .
4 But I need n't have worried , she came to me just as smoothly as before , and I flew her half a dozen times a session over the next four days .
5 She dressed me just as finely as them , and I was sent to a very expensive school .
6 ‘ No , your mother is right , you want to be with your friends on a day like this , and the best of luck to you , son , may it turn out for you just as well as you ever hoped .
7 Acts can be performed by saying something just as well as by doing something .
8 Borssele might be smaller than most but she can certainly wet herself just as well as her bigger sisters .
9 But , on other occasions Laura could laugh at herself just as easily because she was constantly amused by the transience of fame and never took her public for granted .
10 She rather patronized him , but he was impervious to that ; it amused him — he was not unsubtle , Mr James says , but did n't bother to show it — he was amused by her American independence which served him just as well as Italian docility .
11 When Dad joined us Albert greeted him just as pleasantly as he had me , and I thought at least they 're all happy this morning .
12 While Gemma , who had never thought very much about it , her own education having come to her just as easily and plentifully as soap and hot water and extremely private sanitary arrangements , had found it something to think about now , when any new thought would have been welcome .
13 His mouth curled into a slow smile that sent unease rippling through her just as swiftly as that sinking pebble had sent ripples chasing across the pond .
14 I should have enjoyed it just as well if I 'd picked it up in a bookshop , by an unknown author .
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