Example sentences of "[pron] just [verb] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 I just know it 's me lucky day . ’
2 I just know it 's not him . ’
3 I just know it 's a very important game for Leeds . ’
4 I just know it 's more complicated than it 's ever going to seem in the newspapers .
5 I just know it 's going to knock these Parisians dead ! ’
6 So many things happened over the last two rounds , it 's sometimes hard to remember the first two ; I just know it was Trevino versus Jacklin again in the third round and , of course , they were playing together once more .
7 No , it never occurred to me — but then I did n't ask him , I just assumed it was meat .
8 I met Mr Palmer outside the T & A building and I just felt it was going to be a bit of a funny day .
9 It 's just a bunch of tunes I wanted to record and I just felt it was time to get an album out again .
10 I just I just saw it was pure virgin olive oil and I thought oh that 'll do
11 I just knew it was over . ’
12 Meeting Jack in his butch horn-rims gave me a feeling of intense familiarity and the first time we banged glasses together in mid-kiss I just knew it was sight at first love .
13 The technician was more excited by the resulting effect than I was : I just thought it was a bit of fun .
14 I just thought it was a shame to go inside on such a night as this , ’ he continued , ‘ so I persuaded Will to partake of my company for a while . ’
15 In a taped interview which was played to the jury , Paul said : ‘ I just thought it was like a little tap on the head and that he would be all right .
16 ‘ Of course at first I just thought it was someone from a boat that had been driven in by the weather .
17 I just thought it was interesting .
18 I bi I just thought it was
19 I just thought it was erm I du n no , I ju I j just figured they were trying to get us to draw it draw it into a triangle . .
20 I just thought it was rather remarkable in a boy of twenty-three .
21 I just thought it was worthwhile making that point as it is made to be very .
22 he was out moaning again yesterday , so I just thought it was getting a bit long round where the old septic tank used to be oh sha n't and we 've done Tesco 's so that clock 's right is n't it ?
23 I just thought it was grass .
24 Yeah well I did n't know you could change gear I just thought it was automatic .
25 No , I just thought it was a last one that you missed out on , I do n't know .
26 I just thought it was a bit chunky .
27 Cos I just thought it was so crap !
28 I just thought it was a really nice picture , so I bought it , and erm , my dad came in and said , that 's spooky ,
29 This , see I just thought it was just cos , you know , and he kept stressing it , which of the following is not a swimming stroke , breast stroke , butterfly or bird crawl .
30 I mean that comes off it , I can see that much , I just thought it was good anyway
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