Example sentences of "[pron] just [verb] show that " in BNC.

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1 ( Both turned out to be philanthropists , which just goes to show that you never judge a book by its cover . )
2 Two fine , upstanding members of staff attend a Christmas party in the staff canteen , c.1971 — which just goes to show that Christmas in the National Library is not what it used to be !
3 After a few days of being talked to , and stroked with the clippers running , he became confident enough to let me do a full clip ( including his ears ! ) — which just goes to show that patience , firmness and plenty of encouragement are essential when producing a young horse .
4 ‘ Little people are good people and we just want to show that we care , ’ said Mr Bennett .
5 What are called ‘ proofs for the existence of God ’ are not attempts to show that there must be a divine kind of thing ( we have no concept of a divine kind of thing ) , they just seek to show that if and when all other questions were answered we would still be left with this mystery : and this is what we shall call ‘ God ’ .
6 It just goes to show that you ca n't believe all you read .
7 At the end of the day , it just goes to show that there are many different approaches to simulating various aspects of football .
8 And it just goes to show that the Communist Party were very forward looking but
9 Keith Richardson says it was an excellent Gloucester performance and with Wales beating England it just goes to show that the formbook can be beaten and Gloucester could well beat Bath on Saturday if they run and tackle as hard as they did in this game .
10 And it just goes to show that quality can be as big a crowd puller as goals .
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