Example sentences of "[pron] just [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The … the stuff that causes the heat in chillis ’ and I smile , because I just know from the way he phrased that that he knows the technical term but does n't want to appear too smart-alec ‘ is n't soluble in water , but it is soluble in fat .
2 Scott laughed I just fell off the moon .
3 I just fiddled with the controls till
4 conjures up images and I just object to the fact that people impose on us , degrenality , I mean I , I think lesbian 's and gay men have got a right to their life style as we have and I do n't think we should be actually imposing and I think that 's what a lot of society and what people come out with does er more or less we do n't agree with that and its wrong and its objectional
5 I just walked along the path in the dark . ’
6 I just walked off the path and into the woods and started running .
7 Ye , yesterday afternoon , as a matter of fact , I walked up to the gate and I come back and I just walked across the lawn and I I felt the sun .
8 I just walked round the house . ’
9 So I just waited for the contact , and hoped that my voice would sound calm and easy as I told Famlio my lies .
10 Somehow I just knew in the end we would get back to the subject of money !
11 When I 'd finished , I did n't look at Mum and Dad , I just stared at the carpet .
12 I just stared at the wall .
13 On that frozen trackway , however , I just stared at the grotesque thing lying in the snow ; the hand seemed to be thrusting up through the earth as if some ghoul was struggling to rise from its grave .
14 Du n no what I just done with the key actually .
15 I just leant against the wall by the door .
16 I just concentrate on the fact that Maisie is fine at the moment .
17 I did not really know what to expect away from the National Health Service and my mum , and so , armed with a small library of books and the good wishes of a Jamaican midwife at Homerton hospital , I just hoped for the best .
18 and as we 're right up towards the end and now after the bank holiday we 've had lovely fine weather anyway , we got off to the main road and turned at Fibwell traffic lights onto the A twenty one and we got the to end of the dual carriageway onto the tail end of the queue as it started into the road works so I just went over the central reservation and went back down the dual carriageway to the traffic lights at
19 I just went for the price .
20 I just went to the waterfall and back .
21 But you see , I just went to the education officer and I say , he , he ran it , he , it , it was , it was his responsibility the Guild 's were and I went to him about a Guild matter and I said oh , erm how I mentioned that I was working and he said well where are you working ?
22 I just went into the kitchen then .
23 I just went through the catalogues with those damned lawyers .
24 Er so what I did was something a bit simpler than that I just went through the memorandum and and ticked off what I regarded as restrictive statements as against positive ones .
25 And I just I , I , I just came into the meeting this morning just half and hour before this meeting I saw them there , but I really do n't know what the implications are of them there .
26 Could I just start with the white paper on community care funding because I think , as he said in the introduction , it is a complex subject , erm , and it does involve a lengthy transition period , and therefore in terms of its understanding , I think it 's important that members are aware both how the money is coming to us , broadly what we 're doing with it , and , and how it is that we 've reached the conclusion that there 's a great under-funding in the , in the present proposals .
27 I just lived for the minute ; if my tongue and lips and fingers travelled freely over her , that was good enough for forever .
28 Well I can have one every sort of , but I just get into the bath just after the water is slipping out .
29 Can I just go over the page onto the number six , that says what we 've already done .
30 can I just go to the
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