Example sentences of "[pron] 's [pers pn] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There 's him that says that and you ca n't get a fucking wor word in edgeways when he starts yattering .
2 It 's them that made it worse for the others , if everybody had a stayed up together , and and stayed out , we we everybody had the same troubles , money trouble .
3 It 's them that need lumps on their heads .
4 And that it 's up to them to do the research , to listen to advisers , parents , other students and so on , but at the end of the day it 's them that 's got to go and do the course .
5 ‘ Are you sure it 's me that muddles her ?
6 It 's me that takes .
7 ‘ I 've got eyes and it 's me that had to brush his clothes .
8 PEOPLE GET EMOTIONAL UP MOUNTAINS , WHEN I SAY PEOPLE , I MEAN IT 'S me that gets emot1onal up mountains .
9 I 've got the Graham wanted to well unfortunately Graham this one 's a bit dangerous so I 'm having to do it so if anything goes wrong it 's me that gets it and not you .
10 It 's me that told him not to go !
11 It 's me that told him not to go cos I said , I did n't want to go this week and he did n't go .
12 No , you 've I have n't , it 's me that has n't been , I 'm terrible for ah ha
13 It 's me that needs to say thank you .
14 Only trouble is , it 's me that pays four quid , you know , a quid here , quid back to lend him it , and then I 've
15 He 'll be so glad it 's me that knows and it can only bring us closer together .
16 It 's him that eats most of the cheese .
17 It 's him that 's signed it .
18 It 's her that gets unstuck if she does n't use it .
19 I mean she said to me on Monday something about , I mean it 's her that wanted to be in , in , by the middle of March , now I never said the woman wanted to be in by March
20 Yeah , if she 's got a young family , I mean , nine times out of ten it 's her that 's got to watch them rather than saying to the husband , oh I 'm off to play football dear !
21 no , i i if it 's her that dreamt it .
22 The doctor told me they were strong : in fact he prescribed them for me but it seems more logical to give them to Mum since it 's her that stops me sleeping .
23 It 's you that told me about him was n't it ?
24 ‘ I do n't smoke , it 's you that smokes . ’
25 It 's you that does n't understand , ’ she told him .
26 Maybe it 's probably has a rough working idea it 's you that put the fountain on today .
27 Then he said , ‘ It 's you that saves our lives , Jim , and now we 'll save yours .
28 ‘ By the state of you , it 's you that needs the hand-out . ’
29 And it 's you that needs to know that procedures owners do n't get that from the auditors ?
30 Come on Grant , it 's you that 's got ta do it , not mummy or me .
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