Example sentences of "[pron] 's [adv] [adj] i " in BNC.

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1 In fact — and you can tell her this — if she 's exceptionally good I might even give her the tape .
2 She 's not like I expected . ’
3 No she 's just smart I think .
4 Yeah , well she 's really good I mean
5 But she 's very nice I think she goes through till about June .
6 I know , she 's so rough I mean she 's so fat .
7 She 's so close I can smell her , and see the little nerve twitching in a secret place behind her ear , and hear her breathing just slightly faster than before .
8 And the other one 's Simply Red I think .
9 That one 's quite hot I think .
10 It 's blummin horrible I reckon .
11 Erm it 's rather embarrassing I ca n't , to be honest I ca n't quite recall his , his da I ca n't recall any of them .
12 it 's , it 's not Anne 's way but it 's not far I do n't think
13 It 's not like I 'm inheriting somebody else 's team , either .
14 It 's not like I wanted to go .
15 It 's not like I 'm trying to get people on my side , but I do come across as likeable and vulnerable on stage .
16 I 'm proud that in the last two years under my administration we have not had one compulsory redundancy , and it 's not easy I can assure you .
17 But it 's not easy I mean you know I was reading an article ages ago a few months ago actually and saying you know if you think about it the sort of revolution was over a year ago and still the government has n't done anything about it and I mean like a lot of provisions that have been brought into Romania sort of go in the front door and out of the back door and you know they sort of sent those of supplies like contraceptions and things like that for the women and overlap
18 I had such a horrific adolescence and childhood , it 's not surprising I found a way out , an escape from the pain .
19 I was only a child , it 's not surprising I was a nuisance . ’
20 I know it 's not true , I know it 's not , well I know from whom I 'm can think it 's not true I know it 's not .
21 It is n't , it 's not ideal I mean I 've got a problem with
22 talked , I goes it 's not funny I goes goes er he worked in or something , showing off !
23 Erm , it 's not bad I 'm probably doing
24 It 's most interesting I found it .
25 I think it 's absolutely , I think it 's perfectly , thing is I think it 's blooming awful I really do .
26 It 's completely addictive I think an anybody that gets involved in the airline business will say the same .
27 It 's pretty graphic I should have thought , ’ remarked Antony , trying to hide his tremendous concern under a calm exterior .
28 that I work for erm being the Q S has its main headquarters in Derbyshire , so it 's just possible I may be able to get some business contacts in Derbyshire .
29 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
30 But it 's just uncanny I 'd suddenly I keep picking green for occasions .
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