Example sentences of "[pron] 's [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , I 'm in fer a right 'idin' if I ai n't got that bleedin' contraption out o' the 'ouse by the time my Joshua comes 'ome , ‘ specially if 'e 's bin on the turps again .
2 ‘ It 's Carrie 's farvver. 'E 's bin in an accident . ’
3 Since Billy 's 'ad that gym on 'is mind 'e 's bin like a cat on 'ot bricks .
4 She 's queen of the rose beds and tended lawn ,
5 Well she 's a mother there overnight , she 's granny to the
6 SHE 's pick of the bunch are : Boots ' No. 7 ‘ French Almond ’ ( –1.95 ) , Sensiq 's ‘ Terra Firma ’ ( £2.25 ) , Bourjois ' ‘ Charade ’ ( £2.95 ) , Chanel 's ‘ Rouge Marquise ’ ( £7.75 ) , and Shiseido 's ‘ Golden Sienna ’ ( £7.50 ) .
7 ’ I think she 's part of a plot , ’ Geoff went on .
8 So when we went through it , Kevin was going to do all of the careers officers in York but did n't need to do Mary because she 's part of the adult team and therefore Jane and Julie will have to sort her .
9 So she said well I 'll go out then and she 's lives in a massive great she 'll say to come back , so and stuck there , well poor old Margaret .
10 And erm one of the girls that was on there became a very very famous soprano in the country , erm Connie Shackelock you 've probably not heard of her , she 's sort of a bit before your time but er she always used to sing Land of Hope and Glory on the last night of the Proms a few years ago .
11 ‘ We 've had her X-rayed and she 's sound as a bell . ’
12 She 's patron of the Butler Trust , a charity which rewards positive prison work .
13 She 's Leader of the Patrol I 'm going to join when I go up to Guides , and she 's asked me to call and see her .
14 Richard Lutwyche , who 's Secretary of the Gloucestershire Old Spot breeders Club , has launched a firm to market rare breed products .
15 Later , and as a contrast , I talked to John Whitley , who 's Dean of the School of English and American studies , because I know that he 's an enthusiast and an expert on the modern detective story .
16 Forty seven year old Malcolm Brown , who 's head of the lower school at Pates Grammar School in Cheltenham is accused of indecent behaviour and violence towards several boys .
17 That 's Stan Bowes , who 's head of the marketing for Thames and Chilterns Tourist Board .
18 Although reported second-hand , it is said that one chap who 's $5,000 in the red and 90 days behind with payments got a call from the card company .
19 The Marquess of Blandford , who 's heir to the Blenheim Estate in Oxfordshire , has started a jail sentence for failing to make maintence payments to his wife .
20 I am Mrs who 's sort of the secretary and books , does the booking for the hall , he could n't get that , anyway it occurred to me afterwards it must of been the grandmother of that girl that bought the erm , cos he kept on talking a Michelle and that 's the girl that bought our suite and I reckon it 's her child 's birthday party , she said erm you know my , you know my son-in-law , I said do I ?
21 I recently spoke to Chris Cooper , who 's director of the South East Arts Association .
22 The Princess of Wales who 's patron of the national head injuries association Headway , told the conference that adequate resources for rehabilitation were essential .
23 Stoke 's been saved so erm hopefully everything 's sort of a lot better than it was sort of ten days ago .
24 Yeah , but there 's glue on the other side , d' ya know what I mean ?
25 Marriage is for richer or poorer , a concept that 's easy to swallow when there 's money in the bank and no outstanding bills .
26 And er he would n't tell me which You see there 's there 's things in the railway in every place in every job there 's er dodges you know .
27 And there 's stories around the town … ’
28 Carolyn chewed a mouthful of toast , then said , ‘ There 's mice in the kitchen . ’
29 There 's gâteau in the fridge , I think . ’
30 Because when there 's inflation in the system , company values are inflated , company er profits are inflated , so companies go up with inflation .
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