Example sentences of "[pron] we [vb past] [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 Back from Egypt for three months I was staying with my aunt in the Victorian villa in Tunbridge Wells in which we had both been born .
2 ‘ Each of us was complaining about the spies ’ equipment with which we had both been issued .
3 Therefore , the condition for that balance of restraint from which we started out is that W < D , that is the value of winning the resource must be less than the cost of injury .
4 ‘ They 'd tell us stories about the Cuban Revolution and we 'd sit round getting drunk and nostalgic about something we had never been in . ’
5 She had again unwittingly revealed her misgivings , for on the face of it we had n't been speaking of marriage .
6 In fact erm , what we agreed yesterday was one on this paper , two and three followed from it , erm , but were not actually moved , at the working party , because it was me who did the moving .
7 The other table what we had before was better , was no much so much time involved , by the time you 'd screw them round and turn 'em , to saw them into blocks there was a lot of time involved in it .
8 What we had together was n't faked .
9 Cos I says what you doing still working here , you know , that 's what we 'd just been on about
10 What we needed desperately was more good information to put our resources to the best use .
11 Mum in each of these groups in erm today I know exactly what they 're doing what we did before was cookery this month 's sewing and fabric and next month what else is there ahead in projects ?
12 What we did yesterday was a perfectly normal removal of people who are refused the right to stay .
13 What we found here was the floor with the grout marks of where the tiles had been .
14 What we found initially was that individual mussel meats were small because there were so many of them in the one place .
15 So I mean I think what we envisaged though was that the local publicity group erm would meet and see if the well first of all I suppose was there a , a necessity having seen what we 've got from national level er necessity to produce a kind of newsletter , a joint unison newsletter specific to Northumberland , that 's what the group was going to have a look at was n't it ?
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