Example sentences of "[pron] she had [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Tomorrow 's always another day , ’ she said , trotting out one of her many sayings , and he neither smiled nor mocked at her , but went downstairs to eat the supper which she had prepared for him , because that was the way she showed him her love and concern , and the least which he could do was respond to it .
2 The third column , which she had reserved for telephone numbers , was so far entirely blank .
3 He had adopted his slighting manner , he knew , to protect himself from the attraction which she had possessed for him from the first moment that he had seen her .
4 Soon after their marriage , Margaret 's depression , which she had suffered for some time , immediately lifted .
5 20–6 Mrs McIver , wife of the Moderator , asked to be relieved of the duty of leader of praise which she had undertaken for the past two years .
6 And later she had found that his body , scarred as it was , was better than the one which she had imagined for him , as a living and breathing man was better than a marble statue or painting , and her vision had lacked life .
7 But she did make two purchases from the hat and the dress departments with the money which J. D. O'Conner had given her for the two articles which she had written for him .
8 He had his ships and politics , she had her piano which she had practised for over twenty years , so now let the dream come true .
9 Now , though , she perceived that many things which she had taken for granted in her life , simple , cosy , homely things , were , in fact , great luxuries .
10 Mr Dakin burst out , but the old cow brushed past us and marched without hesitation into the stall which she had occupied for all those years .
11 When she had finished hanging out the washing , before she went for the weekly shop at SavaCentre , Sara applied her lipstick , and around her throat she squirted the toilet water which she had had for three years and never before used .
12 A 45 year old woman with a strong family history of ischaemic heart disease was referred with left sided chest pain , which she had had for six years .
13 Another told me she had suffered for three years with a terrible pain in her back but since following the diet the pain had completely disappeared .
14 It was her old mistress from whom she had hoped for much , woman to woman , and none of his soothing phrases meant anything to her .
15 The judge held that the child 's welfare required that she be adopted by the foster parents with whom she had lived for three of her five years , and that the parents were withholding agreement unreasonably .
16 Miss Grimes , with whom she had worked for several years , was hardly the most congenial of companions but at least she was familiar .
17 Over the years Mrs. Jarrett had seen many changes , not only in the staff and resident body of the home and in the facilities it now provides , but in government legislation within the various departments of health and social security , with whom she had established for Le Court a strong and trusting relationship .
18 He was still wearing her father 's patched chausses and cotte , the short , rusty brown one she had mended for him ; it needed more mending now .
19 He managed to spend the odd hour alone with Grace , who told him she had fallen for a Welsh corporal who had stood on a land-mine and ended up blind in one eye .
20 Like him she had taken for granted the fact that Martha would marry the miller 's son .
21 She hoped it would throw Maurin off guard , persuade him she had come for a little of his flirtatious conversation at the least , a few more questions about Durance and Sabine Jourdain at the most .
22 Yet as she sank to the floor and died they fell back , they shrank back and made the space for her she had needed for life .
23 Oreste would die , she saw that now , for what was it she had felt for Ferdinando if not lust ?
24 Clenching his fists , rigid with rage , Angel advanced on her , translating what she had said for the others .
25 To the right of the back door , she found what she had hoped for , a Victorian window with a pane broken in the top light , leaving the catch within easy reach of someone of Theodora 's height .
26 I did n't know what she had planned for me but I understood well enough her meaning .
27 All she wanted to do was yield to it , because it was what she had wanted for the whole time she had been with him .
28 Guilt and exhaustion is what she had felt for the next year .
29 It seemed very important just then to remember exactly what she had felt for Anthony at the beginning .
30 She was beginning to realise that whatever Lydia felt for Beuno was different in kind from what she had felt for Finn , and this had eased her incipient unhappiness , for while it is one thing not to win the beloved it is another to see him swept off by somebody else , and far , far worse .
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