Example sentences of "[pron] she [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But er they realized Now and every time I she 'll ask me , and she 'll say .
2 And if you tell her about somebody she 'll tell them .
3 She had taken him out into the garden to show him various easy spring tasks that must be done , and for which she would pay him , and he had refused .
4 In an effort to distract him , Sister Cooney had encouraged Doctor Staples to draw up a new and exacting regimen of exercises for him which she would supervise herself .
5 The therapist encouraged Pamela to make a list of ways in which she would like her parents to change in terms of providing her with greater freedom .
6 However , she had encountered difficulties in drawing up a list of ways in which she would like her parents to be more tolerant .
7 Next , in the order in which she would need them , were her flannel petticoats , her cotton bodice and frilled drawers , her black woollen stockings , her long boned stays and the combinations that had so irritated her skin when she was small .
8 The woman had a car at Ealing in which she would drive them all home after the last train was gone .
9 It was , I felt sure , something about which she would have something to say .
10 Finding out about Kettering was , she thought , a private game which she might set herself to play on this holiday .
11 So that when , one evening , Sally-Anne , radiant in pink and silver , a fortune in pearls around her neck , the mere sight of which made Havvie salivate internally , was gently led by him into a conservatory — at the Keppels ' this time — and proposed to , there was only one answer which she could give him , and that , of course , was yes .
12 He would baffle and intrigue her , just as he had done Cassie on their first meeting ; and Cassie could think of no way in which she could explain him away .
13 If only there were some way in which she could let him know that his feelings for her were not something for which he needed to apologise without landing them both in a situation from which they could not retreat .
14 She hung on to the towelling and the scissors , and then looked around the dismal room to find a clean surface on which she could put them .
15 There was a momentary silence during which she could imagine him rallying for another attack .
16 Linguistic research which was meant to help women understand and change their reality is being used here to hurt them , if only by creating in the mind of the female reader one more problem , a linguistic inadequacy for which she must blame herself .
17 Like Aurangzeb , she controlled a network of spies which she used to keep her brother well in touch with developments in the court .
18 She has been feeding intensively in the neighbourhood , building up in her body the reserves from which she will produce her eggs .
19 The girl who marked a Moscow Games ' baptism by placing sixth in a final at the age of 14 is coming for a Tuesday night clinic in which she will demonstrate her famous shrug-of-the-shoulders technique on breaststroke .
20 Is it to be the often ideal arrangement of a ‘ granny-flat ’ extension to your house , in which she will have her own bed-sitter with kitchen , bathroom and lavatory ?
21 So Angela did n't want to get involved — she did n't need the capital , after all — and she said to me she might do it in a year or so when Miss Huntley had calmed down . ’
22 If it came from me she would believe it .
23 She uttered something loud and incomprehensible in Dutch and told me she 'd meet me at the coffee shop later .
24 The day after we all met you she assured me she 'd say nothing damaging and said she 'd convinced Merlyn who 'd arranged another meeting on the boat .
25 Marie told me she 'd teach me to swim one day .
26 Desperately Leith racked her brains , but there was nothing she could tell him , only the truth .
27 They thought she might be having a baby , and if she really wanted to hurt them she could tell them she might be .
28 It was out of the question ; she must end this bizarre interview here and now by telling Madame Gebrec , gently but firmly , that the person to whom she should confide her doubts was Officer Hassan .
29 For her part , she felt that he was someone to whom she could open her heart and who would understand .
30 His line of chat , and a bonhomie which could at times border on insensitivity , marked him out for her as a survivor ; someone with whom she could risk herself ; someone who could both carry and withstand her .
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