Example sentences of "[pron] as [pron] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Knowing the others were depending on him , Luke kept his nerves to himself as he went round checking girths and bandages .
2 He sought the means to do something quite different , creating it out of himself as he went along — but he hoped for everyone : a way of looking that was a kind of worship .
3 In fact , he was getting a stronger grip on himself as he went along .
4 Howard ca n't help laughing to himself as he goes down in the lift .
5 Walking , for example , is an activity which as we go about in everyday life we have ceased to be aware of ; but when we dance the automatically performed gestures of walking are perceived anew .
6 You have a set of notes here now I 'm not gon na start at page one and work right through to page whatever it is erm they are there for you to take away for you to make notes during these two days er and for you to take away so that they 're they 're for revision and er there are as Bob 's just discovering pages where a I 'll ask you to make make specific notes er that I 'll supply to you as we go along .
7 Did he say anything to you as you went up to him ?
8 The cool of the garden greeted you as you went in with a breath as welcome as that of the north wind at the top of a house during the season of akhet .
9 It parodies itself as it goes along , like a lawnmower picking up its own clippings .
10 She explains that Thru is ‘ a text that is really constructing itself and then destroying itself as it goes along … whenever I slide into a realistic scene … something happens later to destroy it , to show that these are just words on a page ’ ( 4 ) .
11 He pointed out everything as he went along .
12 I 'm like a great vacuum cleaner hoovering up everything as I go along , or like a catfish sucking up all the rubbish in an aquarium .
13 I thought I was falling in love with him ! she told herself as she went down to the dining-room .
14 Introduce Brenda who 's going to speak to us on Make do and Mend and she 's asked me to say that she 'd be very pleased if people break in or erm sort of form some sort of dialogue with her as she goes along .
15 Her conscience pricked her as she went on to lie , telling Elizabeth everything she wanted to hear .
16 They danced in front of her as she went up Long Field , following Joe and the horse and heaving old broad bean haulms into the cart .
17 He watched her as she went past at a walk , the black Labrador and he both gazing wistfully , their breath steaming in the cold February morning .
18 Pascoe watched her as she went through to the bathroom .
19 But he followed her as she went out into the street and the brown heat of the day , which steamed off the hot stone setts and fresh horse dung .
20 It seemed to Alice that Jasper hardly saw her as he went off .
21 Some had children that are at an age where there might be a tendency towards vandalism , one of whom had been speedily dealt with by her when he attempted to slide down the oak bannister , kicking her as he went down .
22 They bumped into him as they went back through the wire and held a whispered council of war .
23 Nisodemus glared at him as he went on , ‘ Now , we really should be sending some of the women and children to the — ’
24 Timothy watched him as he went hurriedly towards the house .
25 The CMHTs and SPOs operated without the benefit of a clear service philosophy for too long and had to invent it as they went along .
26 Arups worked out a method of cutting out the rusted iron in very small sections and strengthening it as they went along .
27 Fredrick taught his brother his technique in a short time and the two brothers worked side by side , often having long discussions about the technique , modifying it as they went along .
28 ‘ The Gruncher likes his meat roasted , and the fire roasts it as it goes down . ’
29 He probably revised it as it went along and his recurring use of various kinds of lists as a basis for the structure of the work may well reflect Dr Battie 's influence .
30 The trick is to aim your eyes at the sign as soon as it is in your line of vision and then to fix your gaze upon it as you go past .
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